Thumbnail |
◆Y/M-no |
Category for POTY R1 |
◆2013/01-001 |
◆Paintings and illustrations
◆2013/01-002 |
◆Vehicles and crafts
◆2013/01-003 |
◆People and human activities
◆2013/01-004 |
◆Other animals
◆2013/01-005 |
◆Maps and diagrams
◆2013/01-006 |
◆Nature views
◆2013/01-007 |
◆Bones, shells and fossils
.jpg/100px-Trigonoceps_occipitalis_(Burchell%2C_1824).jpg) |
◆2013/01-008 |
◆2013/01-009 |
◆2013/01-010 |
◆Cities and Bridges
◆2013/01-011 |
◆Objects, rocks and miscellaneous
◆2013/01-012 |
◆Constructions and buildings
◆2013/01-013 |
◆People and human activities
◆2013/01-014 |
◆Castles and Fortifications
◆2013/01-015 |
◆Maps and diagrams
◆2013/01-016 |
◆2013/01-017 |
◆Maps and diagrams
◆2013/01-018 |
◆Interiors and details
◆2013/01-019 |
◆Other animals
◆2013/01-020 |
◆Nature views
◆2013/01-021 |
◆Vehicles and crafts
◆2013/01-022 |
◆Other animals
◆2013/01-023 |
◆Religious Buildings
◆2013/01-024 |
◆Nature views
◆2013/01-025 |
◆Constructions and buildings
◆2013/01-026 |
◆Paintings and illustrations
◆2013/01-027 |
◆Vehicles and crafts
◆2013/01-028 |
◆Religious Buildings
◆2013/01-029 |
◆2013/01-030 |
◆Vehicles and crafts
◆2013/01-031 |
◆Nature views
◆2013/01-032 |
◆Vehicles and crafts
◆2013/01-033 |
◆People and human activities
◆2013/01-034 |
◆2013/01-035 |
◆Other animals
◆2013/01-036 |
◆Interiors and details
◆2013/01-037 |
◆2013/01-038 |
◆Castles and Fortifications
◆2013/01-039 |
◆2013/01-040 |
◆Panoramic views
◆2013/01-041 |
◆Interiors and details
.jpg/100px-Tiliqua_scincoides_(White%2C_1790).jpg) |
◆2013/01-042 |
◆Other animals
◆2013/01-043 |
◆Maps and diagrams
◆2013/01-044 |
◆Religious Buildings
◆2013/01-045 |
◆2013/01-046 |
◆Constructions and buildings
◆2013/01-047 |
◆Constructions and buildings
◆2013/01-048 |
◆Nature views
◆2013/01-049 |
◆Other animals
◆2013/01-050 |
◆People and human activities
.jpg/100px-Mountain_Peak%2C_Alaska_(1999).jpg) |
◆2013/01-051 |
◆Nature views
(deleted) |
◆2013/01-052 |
◆People and human activities |
deleted during R1
◆2013/01-053 |
◆2013/01-054 |
◆Paintings and illustrations
◆2013/01-055 |
◆Paintings and illustrations
◆2013/01-056 (set) |
◆Interiors and details |
■Commons:Featured picture candidates/Set/Stained Glass windows in the Saint Antony church of Urtijëi
.jpg/100px-Hippocampus_hippocampus_(on_Ascophyllum_nodosum).jpg) |
◆2013/01-057 |
◆Other animals
◆2013/01-058 |
◆Paintings and illustrations
◆2013/01-059 |
◆2013/01-060 |
◆Cities and Bridges
.jpg/100px-North_transepts_-_Basilique_Saint-Sernin_-_fixed_perspective_(cropped).jpg) |
◆2013/01-061 |
◆Interiors and details
◆2013/01-062 |
◆Astronomy, satellite and outer space
◆2013/01-063 |
◆Nature views
◆2013/01-064 |
◆Panoramic views
◆2013/01-065 |
◆Nature views
◆2013/01-066 |
◆Other animals
◆2013/01-067 |
◆Paintings and illustrations
◆2013/01-068 |
◆Panoramic views
◆2013/01-069 |
.jpg/100px-Dead_Sea_salt_formation_(Aerial_view%2C_2007).jpg) |
◆2013/01-070 |
◆Nature views
◆2013/01-071 |
◆Nature views
◆2013/01-072 |
◆Cities and Bridges
◆2013/01-073 |
◆Plants and fungi
◆2013/01-074 |
◆Maps and diagrams
◆2013/01-075 |
◆2013/01-076 |
◆People and human activities
◆2013/01-077 |
◆Religious Buildings
◆2013/01-078 |
◆2013/01-079 |
◆Maps and diagrams
◆2013/01-080 |
◆2013/01-081 |
◆Astronomy, satellite and outer space
◆2013/01-082 |
◆Nature views
◆2013/01-083 |
◆2013/01-084 |
◆Other animals
◆2013/02-001 |
◆People and human activities
◆2013/02-002 |
◆Interiors and details
◆2013/02-003 |
◆Panoramic views
◆2013/02-004 |
◆Religious Buildings
◆2013/02-005 |
◆Religious Buildings
◆2013/02-006 |
◆Castles and Fortifications
◆2013/02-007 |
◆Constructions and buildings
◆2013/02-008 |
◆Vehicles and crafts
◆2013/02-009 |
◆Paintings and illustrations
◆2013/02-010 |
◆Paintings and illustrations
◆2013/02-011 |
◆Nature views
◆2013/02-012 |
◆Cities and Bridges
◆2013/02-013 |
.jpg/100px-Antidorcas_marsupialis%2C_male_(Etosha%2C_2012).jpg) |
◆2013/02-014 |
.jpg/100px-Aleksander_I_ja_Napoleoni_sõdade_mälestusmärk1_(Mõdriku).jpg) |
◆2013/02-015 |
◆Constructions and buildings
◆2013/02-016 |
.jpg/100px-Axis_axis_(Nagarhole%2C_2010).jpg) |
◆2013/02-017 |
◆2013/02-018 |
◆2013/02-019 |
◆Cities and Bridges
◆2013/02-020 |
◆Paintings and illustrations
(deleted) |
◆2013/02-021 |
◆2013/02-022 |
◆Objects, rocks and miscellaneous
◆2013/02-023 |
◆Paintings and illustrations
◆2013/02-024 |
◆Nature views
◆2013/02-025 |
◆Religious Buildings
◆2013/02-026 |
◆Astronomy, satellite and outer space
◆2013/02-027 |
◆2013/02-028 |
◆Constructions and buildings
◆2013/02-029 |
◆Nature views
_09.jpg/100px-Reiner_Haseloff_(Martin_Rulsch)_09.jpg) |
◆2013/02-030 |
◆People and human activities
◆2013/02-031 |
◆Castles and Fortifications
◆2013/02-032 |
◆Maps and diagrams
◆2013/02-033 |
◆Religious Buildings
◆2013/02-034 |
.jpg/100px-Grumman_E-2C_Hawkeyes_of_VAW-115_fly_past_Mount_Fuji_on_15_February_2007_(070215-N-2604L-024).jpg) |
◆2013/02-035 |
◆Vehicles and crafts
◆2013/02-036 |
◆Cities and Bridges
◆2013/02-037 |
◆Paintings and illustrations
◆2013/02-038 |
◆Castles and Fortifications
◆2013/02-039 |
◆Astronomy, satellite and outer space
◆2013/02-040 |
◆Objects, rocks and miscellaneous
◆2013/02-041 |
◆Religious Buildings
◆2013/02-042 |
◆Religious Buildings
◆2013/02-043 |
◆Other animals
◆2013/02-044 |
◆Constructions and buildings
◆2013/02-045 |
◆Interiors and details
◆2013/02-046 |
◆Constructions and buildings
◆2013/02-047 |
◆Interiors and details
◆2013/02-048 |
◆Castles and Fortifications
◆2013/02-049 (set) |
◆Paintings and illustrations |
■Commons:Featured picture candidates/Set/The Four Evangelists in "Les Grandes Heures d'Anne de Bretagne"
◆2013/02-050 |
◆Panoramic views
◆2013/02-051 |
◆Astronomy, satellite and outer space
◆2013/02-052 |
◆2013/02-053 |
◆Castles and Fortifications
◆2013/02-054 |
◆Vehicles and crafts
◆2013/02-055 |
◆Nature views
◆2013/02-056 |
◆Constructions and buildings
◆2013/02-057 |
◆Interiors and details
.jpg/100px-Namib-Naukluft_Sand_Dunes_(2011).jpg) |
◆2013/02-058 |
◆Nature views
◆2013/02-059 |
◆Panoramic views
◆2013/02-060 |
◆Maps and diagrams
◆2013/02-061 |
◆2013/02-062 |
◆Cities and Bridges
◆2013/02-063 |
◆Bones, shells and fossils
◆2013/02-064 |
◆Constructions and buildings
◆2013/02-065 |
◆Constructions and buildings
◆2013/02-066 |
◆Astronomy, satellite and outer space
◆2013/02-067 |
◆Astronomy, satellite and outer space
◆2013/02-068 |
◆Interiors and details
.jpg/100px-Loxodonta_africana_(Serengeti%2C_2009).jpg) |
◆2013/02-069 |
◆2013/02-070 |
◆Interiors and details
◆2013/02-071 |
◆Objects, rocks and miscellaneous
◆2013/02-072 |
◆2013/02-073 |
◆Vehicles and crafts
◆2013/02-074 |
◆2013/02-075 |
◆2013/02-076 |
◆Nature views
◆2013/02-077 |
◆Panoramic views
◆2013/02-078 |
◆People and human activities
◆2013/02-079 |
◆Interiors and details
◆2013/02-080 |
◆Constructions and buildings
◆2013/02-081 |
◆2013/02-082 |
◆Interiors and details
◆2013/02-083 |
◆People and human activities
◆2013/02-084 |
◆Bones, shells and fossils
◆2013/02-085 |
◆Bones, shells and fossils
◆2013/02-086 |
◆2013/02-087 |
◆Bones, shells and fossils
◆2013/02-088 |
◆Paintings and illustrations
.jpg/100px-Chamaeleo_namaquensis_(Namib-Naukluft%2C_2011).jpg) |
◆2013/03-001 |
◆Other animals
◆2013/03-002 |
◆2013/03-003 |
◆Castles and Fortifications
◆2013/03-004 |
◆Panoramic views
◆2013/03-005 |
◆2013/03-006 |
◆Vehicles and crafts
◆2013/03-007 |
◆People and human activities
◆2013/03-008 |
◆2013/03-009 |
◆People and human activities
◆2013/03-010 |
◆Cities and Bridges
.jpg/100px-Haliaeetus_albicilla_(Svolvær%2C_2012).jpg) |
◆2013/03-011 |
◆2013/03-012 |
◆Constructions and buildings
◆2013/03-013 |
◆Nature views
◆2013/03-014 |
◆Constructions and buildings
◆2013/03-015 |
◆Constructions and buildings
◆2013/03-016 |
◆Religious Buildings
◆2013/03-017 |
◆2013/03-018 |
◆Castles and Fortifications
◆2013/03-019 |
◆2013/03-020 |
◆People and human activities
◆2013/03-021 |
◆Interiors and details
.jpg/100px-A_Jicarilla_Man%2C_1904%2C_Edward_S._Curtis_(sepia_restored).jpg) |
◆2013/03-022 |
◆People and human activities
◆2013/03-023 |
◆Cities and Bridges
◆2013/03-024 |
◆2013/03-025 |
◆People and human activities
◆2013/03-026 |
◆Astronomy, satellite and outer space
◆2013/03-027 |
◆2013/03-028 |
◆Religious Buildings
◆2013/03-029 |
◆People and human activities
.jpg/100px-Inupiat_Family_from_Noatak%2C_Alaska%2C_1929%2C_Edward_S._Curtis_(restored).jpg) |
◆2013/03-030 |
◆People and human activities
◆2013/03-031 |
◆Vehicles and crafts
◆2013/03-032 |
◆Paintings and illustrations
◆2013/03-033 |
◆People and human activities
◆2013/03-034 |
◆Constructions and buildings
◆2013/03-035 |
◆Astronomy, satellite and outer space
◆2013/03-036 |
◆Paintings and illustrations
◆2013/03-037 |
◆Castles and Fortifications
◆2013/03-038 |
◆Astronomy, satellite and outer space
_V2.jpg/100px-Quebec_Sprint_Cross-country_Skiing_World_Cup_2012_(4)_V2.jpg) |
◆2013/03-039 |
◆People and human activities
◆2013/03-040 |
◆Paintings and illustrations
◆2013/03-041 |
◆Vehicles and crafts
◆2013/03-042 |
◆Panoramic views
◆2013/03-043 |
◆Religious Buildings
◆2013/03-044 |
◆Other animals
◆2013/03-045 |
◆Nature views
◆2013/03-046 |
◆Astronomy, satellite and outer space
◆2013/03-047 (set) |
◆Interiors and details |
■Commons:Featured picture candidates/Set/Stained glass windows by Champigneulle in Notre-Dame de Sablé-sur-Sarthe
◆2013/03-048 |
◆Panoramic views
◆2013/03-049 |
◆Other animals
◆2013/03-050 |
◆Paintings and illustrations
◆2013/03-051 |
◆Objects, rocks and miscellaneous
◆2013/03-052 |
◆Maps and diagrams
◆2013/03-053 |
◆Nature views
◆2013/03-054 (set) |
◆Paintings and illustrations |
■Commons:Featured picture candidates/Set/Procession des saints de Bretagne
◆2013/03-055 |
◆People and human activities
◆2013/03-056 |
◆Nature views
◆2013/03-057 |
◆Interiors and details
◆2013/03-058 |
◆Paintings and illustrations
◆2013/04-001 |
◆Panoramic views
◆2013/04-002 |
◆Nature views
◆2013/04-003 |
◆People and human activities
◆2013/04-004 |
◆Interiors and details
◆2013/04-005 |
◆Interiors and details
◆2013/04-006 |
◆Astronomy, satellite and outer space
◆2013/04-007 |
◆2013/04-008 |
◆Maps and diagrams
◆2013/04-009 |
◆Constructions and buildings
◆2013/04-010 |
◆2013/04-011 |
◆Panoramic views
.jpg/100px-Elephants_rushing_to_water_(Etosha%2C_2013).jpg) |
◆2013/04-012 |
.JPG/100px-Mural_(Venezuela).JPG) |
◆2013/04-013 |
◆Panoramic views
◆2013/04-014 |
◆Constructions and buildings
◆2013/04-015 |
◆Constructions and buildings
◆2013/04-016 |
◆Paintings and illustrations
◆2013/04-017 |
◆Bones, shells and fossils
◆2013/04-018 |
◆Religious Buildings
◆2013/04-019 |
◆2013/04-020 |
◆Panoramic views
◆2013/04-021 |
.jpg/100px-Abdim%27s_storks_in_a_storm_(Etosha%2C_2013).jpg) |
◆2013/04-022 |
◆Nature views
◆2013/04-023 |
◆Religious Buildings
◆2013/04-024 |
◆Nature views
◆2013/04-025 |
◆Maps and diagrams
◆2013/04-026 |
◆Constructions and buildings
.jpg/100px-Phoenicopterus_roseus_flight_(Walvis_bay).jpg) |
◆2013/04-027 |
◆2013/04-028 |
◆2013/04-029 |
◆Constructions and buildings
◆2013/04-030 |
◆Paintings and illustrations
◆2013/04-031 |
◆Maps and diagrams
◆2013/04-032 |
◆2013/04-033 |
◆Other animals
◆2013/04-034 |
◆2013/04-035 |
◆2013/04-036 |
◆Vehicles and crafts
◆2013/04-037 |
◆Panoramic views
◆2013/04-038 |
◆2013/04-039 |
◆Paintings and illustrations
◆2013/04-040 |
◆Constructions and buildings
.jpg/100px-Diceros_bicornis_(Etosha).jpg) |
◆2013/04-041 |
◆2013/04-042 |
◆People and human activities
_BNF_Gallica.jpg/100px-Hamla-i_Haydari_Bazil_(1808)_BNF_Gallica.jpg) |
◆2013/04-043 |
◆Paintings and illustrations
◆2013/04-044 |
.jpg/100px-Canis_latrans_(Yosemite%2C_2009).jpg) |
◆2013/04-045 |
◆2013/04-046 |
◆2013/04-047 |
◆Panoramic views
◆2013/04-048 |
◆2013/04-049 |
◆2013/04-050 |
◆2013/04-051 |
◆Nature views
◆2013/04-052 |
◆Castles and Fortifications
◆2013/04-053 (set) |
◆Maps and diagrams |
■Commons:Featured picture candidates/Set/Vatican City maps
◆2013/04-054 |
_en_un_Ptilotus_exaltatus%2C_jardín_botánico_de_Tallin%2C_Estonia%2C_2012-08-12%2C_DD_01.JPG/100px-Abeja_(Bombus_terrestris)_en_un_Ptilotus_exaltatus%2C_jardín_botánico_de_Tallin%2C_Estonia%2C_2012-08-12%2C_DD_01.JPG) |
◆2013/04-055 |
◆2013/04-056 |
(deleted) |
◆2013/04-057 |
◆2013/04-058 |
◆2013/04-059 |
◆Bones, shells and fossils
◆2013/04-060 |
◆Religious Buildings
◆2013/04-061 |
◆Maps and diagrams
.jpg/100px-Point_Montara_Light_(2013).jpg) |
◆2013/04-062 |
◆Constructions and buildings
◆2013/04-063 |
◆Religious Buildings
◆2013/04-064 |
.jpg/100px-Elephant_in_Huab_riverbed_(3690384106).jpg) |
◆2013/04-065 |
.jpg/100px-Erinaceus_europaeus_(Linnaeus%2C_1758).jpg) |
◆2013/04-066 |
◆2013/04-067 |
◆Vehicles and crafts
◆2013/04-068 |
◆2013/04-069 |
◆Nature views
◆2013/04-070 |
◆Plants and fungi
◆2013/04-071 |
◆Panoramic views
◆2013/04-072 |
◆2013/04-073 |
◆Interiors and details
◆2013/04-074 |
◆Castles and Fortifications
.jpg/100px-Panthera_leo_stretching_(Etosha%2C_2012).jpg) |
◆2013/04-075 |
%2C_étudiée_comme_Femme_de_race_Bôchismann%2C_Histoire_Naturelle_des_Mammifères%2C_tome_II%2C_Cuvier%2C_Werner%2C_de_Lasteyrie.jpg/100px-Sawtche_(dite_Sarah_Saartjie_Baartman)%2C_étudiée_comme_Femme_de_race_Bôchismann%2C_Histoire_Naturelle_des_Mammifères%2C_tome_II%2C_Cuvier%2C_Werner%2C_de_Lasteyrie.jpg) |
◆2013/04-076 |
◆Paintings and illustrations
◆2013/05-001 |
_-_Weltvogelpark_Walsrode_2012-01.jpg/100px-Pelecanus_crispus_(Dalmatian_Pelican_-_Krauskopfpelikan)_-_Weltvogelpark_Walsrode_2012-01.jpg) |
◆2013/05-002 |
◆2013/05-003 |
◆Castles and Fortifications
◆2013/05-004 |
◆Vehicles and crafts
◆2013/05-005 |
◆Castles and Fortifications
◆2013/05-006 |
◆Castles and Fortifications
◆2013/05-007 |
◆Religious Buildings
◆2013/05-008 |
◆Nature views
◆2013/05-009 |
◆Plants and fungi
◆2013/05-010 |
◆Paintings and illustrations
◆2013/05-011 |
◆Plants and fungi
.jpg/100px-Alessandro_Scarlatti_-_Griselda._(BL_Add_MS_14168_f._5r).jpg) |
◆2013/05-012 |
◆Paintings and illustrations
◆2013/05-013 |
◆Paintings and illustrations
◆2013/05-014 |
◆Vehicles and crafts
◆2013/05-015 |
◆Interiors and details
◆2013/05-016 |
◆2013/05-017 |
◆2013/05-018 |
◆Objects, rocks and miscellaneous
◆2013/05-019 |
◆Constructions and buildings
◆2013/05-020 |
◆2013/05-021 |
◆Constructions and buildings
◆2013/05-022 |
◆Interiors and details
◆2013/05-023 |
◆2013/05-024 |
◆2013/05-025 |
◆2013/05-026 |
◆People and human activities
◆2013/05-027 |
◆Paintings and illustrations
◆2013/05-028 |
◆2013/05-029 |
◆Maps and diagrams
_Borsos_%26_Soó_(1961).jpg/100px-Dactylorhiza_×_braunii_(Halácsy)_Borsos_%26_Soó_(1961).jpg) |
◆2013/05-030 |
◆Plants and fungi
◆2013/05-031 |
◆Constructions and buildings
◆2013/05-032 |
◆Castles and Fortifications
◆2013/05-033 |
◆2013/05-034 |
◆Paintings and illustrations
◆2013/05-035 |
◆2013/05-036 |
◆People and human activities
◆2013/05-037 |
_Lorryia_formosa_2_edit.jpg/100px-Yellow_mite_(Tydeidae)_Lorryia_formosa_2_edit.jpg) |
◆2013/05-038 |
◆2013/05-039 |
.jpg/100px-Panthera_leo_yawn_(Kgalagadi%2C_2012).jpg) |
◆2013/05-040 |
◆2013/05-041 |
◆2013/05-042 |
◆People and human activities
◆2013/05-043 |
◆Castles and Fortifications
.jpg/100px-Cantino_planisphere_(1502).jpg) |
◆2013/05-044 |
◆Maps and diagrams
.jpg/100px-Lightning_Pritzerbe_01_(MK).jpg) |
◆2013/05-045 |
◆Nature views
◆2013/05-046 |
◆Nature views
.jpg/100px-Equus_quagga_(Namutoni%2C_2012).jpg) |
◆2013/05-047 |
◆2013/05-048 |
◆2013/05-049 |
◆2013/05-050 |
◆Nature views
◆2013/05-051 |
◆Castles and Fortifications
◆2013/05-052 |
.jpg/100px-Cynictis_penicillata_(Etosha%2C_2011).jpg) |
◆2013/05-053 |
◆2013/05-054 |
◆Castles and Fortifications
◆2013/05-055 |
◆Nature views
◆2013/05-056 |
◆Panoramic views
.jpg/100px-Madoqua_kirkii_-_female_(Namutoni).jpg) |
◆2013/05-057 |
◆2013/05-058 |
◆Bones, shells and fossils
◆2013/05-059 |
◆Cities and Bridges
◆2013/05-060 |
◆Nature views
◆2013/05-061 |
◆Objects, rocks and miscellaneous
◆2013/05-062 |
◆Astronomy, satellite and outer space
◆2013/05-063 |
◆2013/06-001 |
◆Religious Buildings
◆2013/06-002 |
◆Castles and Fortifications
◆2013/06-003 |
◆Nature views
◆2013/06-004 |
◆Cities and Bridges
◆2013/06-005 |
◆Interiors and details
◆2013/06-006 |
◆Religious Buildings
◆2013/06-007 |
◆Religious Buildings
◆2013/06-008 |
◆Religious Buildings
◆2013/06-009 |
◆Paintings and illustrations
◆2013/06-010 |
◆Castles and Fortifications
◆2013/06-011 |
◆Nature views
◆2013/06-012 |
◆Constructions and buildings
◆2013/06-013 |
◆People and human activities
◆2013/06-014 |
◆2013/06-015 |
◆Plants and fungi
◆2013/06-016 |
◆2013/06-017 |
◆Interiors and details
◆2013/06-018 |
◆Vehicles and crafts
◆2013/06-019 |
◆Nature views
◆2013/06-020 |
◆Vehicles and crafts
◆2013/06-021 |
◆People and human activities
◆2013/06-022 |
◆Cities and Bridges
◆2013/06-023 |
◆Astronomy, satellite and outer space
◆2013/06-024 |
◆Plants and fungi
◆2013/06-025 |
◆Castles and Fortifications
◆2013/06-026 |
◆Cities and Bridges
◆2013/06-027 |
◆Constructions and buildings
◆2013/06-028 |
◆Panoramic views
◆2013/06-029 |
◆Plants and fungi
(deleted) |
◆2013/06-030 |
◆2013/06-031 |
◆Nature views
◆2013/06-032 |
◆Castles and Fortifications
◆2013/06-033 |
◆Cities and Bridges
◆2013/06-034 |
◆Constructions and buildings
◆2013/06-035 |
◆Bones, shells and fossils
◆2013/06-036 |
◆Panoramic views
◆2013/06-037 |
◆Paintings and illustrations
◆2013/06-038 |
◆Plants and fungi
◆2013/06-039 |
◆Maps and diagrams
◆2013/06-040 |
◆Interiors and details
◆2013/06-041 |
◆Cities and Bridges
◆2013/06-042 |
◆Plants and fungi
◆2013/06-043 |
◆2013/06-044 |
◆Plants and fungi
◆2013/06-045 |
◆Paintings and illustrations
◆2013/06-046 |
◆Religious Buildings
◆2013/06-047 |
◆Castles and Fortifications
◆2013/06-048 |
◆2013/07-001 |
◆Panoramic views
◆2013/07-002 |
◆Panoramic views
◆2013/07-003 |
◆Castles and Fortifications
◆2013/07-004 |
◆2013/07-005 |
◆Other animals
◆2013/07-006 |
_edit.jpg/100px-Cree_Indian_(HS85-10-13885)_edit.jpg) |
◆2013/07-007 |
◆People and human activities
◆2013/07-008 |
◆Maps and diagrams
◆2013/07-009 |
◆Plants and fungi
.jpg/100px-Falco_tinnunculus_(Linnaeus%2C_1758).jpg) |
◆2013/07-010 |
◆2013/07-011 |
◆Constructions and buildings
◆2013/07-012 |
◆Plants and fungi
◆2013/07-013 |
◆Nature views
◆2013/07-014 |
◆2013/07-015 |
◆Other animals
◆2013/07-016 |
◆Vehicles and crafts
◆2013/07-017 |
◆Vehicles and crafts
◆2013/07-018 |
◆Cities and Bridges
◆2013/07-019 |
◆Nature views
◆2013/07-020 |
◆Cities and Bridges
◆2013/07-021 |
◆Plants and fungi
◆2013/07-022 |
◆Paintings and illustrations
◆2013/07-023 |
◆People and human activities
◆2013/07-024 |
◆Paintings and illustrations
◆2013/07-025 |
◆Other animals
◆2013/07-026 |
◆2013/07-027 |
◆Constructions and buildings
◆2013/07-028 |
◆2013/07-029 |
◆2013/07-030 |
◆Constructions and buildings
◆2013/07-031 |
◆Nature views
.jpg/100px-Polypogon_monspeliensis_(1).jpg) |
◆2013/07-032 |
◆Plants and fungi
◆2013/07-033 |
◆Nature views
◆2013/07-034 |
◆Nature views
◆2013/07-035 |
◆Cities and Bridges
◆2013/07-036 |
◆Interiors and details
◆2013/07-037 |
◆Plants and fungi
◆2013/07-038 |
◆Constructions and buildings
◆2013/07-039 |
◆Nature views
◆2013/07-040 |
◆People and human activities
◆2013/07-041 |
◆Castles and Fortifications
◆2013/07-042 |
◆Plants and fungi
◆2013/07-043 |
◆Cities and Bridges
.jpg/100px-Cygnus_olor_portrait_(MK).jpg) |
◆2013/07-044 |
◆2013/07-045 |
◆Nature views
◆2013/07-046 |
◆2013/07-047 |
◆Constructions and buildings
◆2013/07-048 |
◆2013/07-049 |
◆Castles and Fortifications
◆2013/07-050 |
◆Nature views
◆2013/07-051 |
◆Cities and Bridges
◆2013/07-052 |
◆2013/07-053 |
◆Panoramic views
◆2013/07-054 |
◆Vehicles and crafts
.jpg/100px-Schweizerhaus_Schloßpark_Ritzebüttel_2013_edit_(MK).jpg) |
◆2013/07-055 |
◆Castles and Fortifications
%2C_délégué_indochinois%2C_Congrès_communiste_de_Marseille%2C_1921%2C_Meurisse%2C_BNF_Gallica.jpg/100px-Nguyen_Aïn_Nuä%27C_(Ho-Chi-Minh)%2C_délégué_indochinois%2C_Congrès_communiste_de_Marseille%2C_1921%2C_Meurisse%2C_BNF_Gallica.jpg) |
◆2013/07-056 |
◆People and human activities
(deleted) |
◆2013/07-057 |
◆2013/07-058 |
◆Constructions and buildings
◆2013/07-059 |
◆Nature views
.jpg/100px-San_Francisco_Ferry_Building_(cropped).jpg) |
◆2013/07-060 |
◆Castles and Fortifications
◆2013/07-061 |
◆Bones, shells and fossils
◆2013/07-062 |
◆Other animals
◆2013/07-063 |
◆Vehicles and crafts
◆2013/07-064 |
◆People and human activities
◆2013/07-065 |
◆Other animals
◆2013/07-066 |
◆Nature views
◆2013/07-067 |
◆Plants and fungi
◆2013/07-068 |
◆Nature views
◆2013/07-069 |
◆Vehicles and crafts
◆2013/08-001 |
◆Cities and Bridges
◆2013/08-002 |
◆Cities and Bridges
◆2013/08-003 |
◆Constructions and buildings
◆2013/08-004 |
◆2013/08-005 |
◆Nature views
◆2013/08-006 |
◆People and human activities
◆2013/08-007 |
◆Constructions and buildings
◆2013/08-008 |
◆Religious Buildings
◆2013/08-009 |
◆Nature views
◆2013/08-010 |
◆People and human activities
◆2013/08-011 |
◆Interiors and details
◆2013/08-012 |
◆Other animals
◆2013/08-013 |
◆Panoramic views
◆2013/08-014 |
◆Cities and Bridges
◆2013/08-015 |
◆Maps and diagrams
◆2013/08-016 (set) |
◆People and human activities |
■Commons:Featured picture candidates/Set/Théo Mancheron competes in the men's decathlon pole vault
◆2013/08-017 |
◆People and human activities
◆2013/08-018 |
◆Cities and Bridges
◆2013/08-019 (set) |
◆Arthropods |
■Commons:Featured picture candidates/Set/Lime butterfly, dorsal and side views
◆2013/08-020 |
◆Panoramic views
◆2013/08-021 |
◆Castles and Fortifications
◆2013/08-022 |
◆Plants and fungi
◆2013/08-023 |
◆Vehicles and crafts
◆2013/08-024 |
◆Nature views
◆2013/08-025 |
◆Constructions and buildings
◆2013/08-026 |
◆People and human activities
◆2013/08-027 |
◆Panoramic views
.jpg/100px-Alte_Nationalgalerie_at_night_(MK).jpg) |
◆2013/08-028 |
◆Constructions and buildings
◆2013/08-029 |
◆Maps and diagrams
.jpg/100px-Schwalbenschwanz_(Papilio_machaon).jpg) |
◆2013/08-030 |
◆2013/08-031 |
◆Other animals
◆2013/08-032 |
◆Nature views
◆2013/08-033 |
◆Other animals
◆2013/08-034 |
◆Other animals
◆2013/08-035 |
.jpg/100px-Escenius_midas_(Midas_blenny).jpg) |
◆2013/08-036 |
◆Other animals
◆2013/08-037 |
◆2013/08-038 |
◆2013/08-039 |
◆2013/08-040 |
◆Cities and Bridges
◆2013/08-041 |
◆Panoramic views
◆2013/08-042 |
◆Religious Buildings
◆2013/08-043 |
◆2013/08-044 |
◆Astronomy, satellite and outer space
◆2013/08-045 |
.jpg/100px-Damselfly_08_(MK).jpg) |
◆2013/08-046 |
◆2013/08-047 |
◆Castles and Fortifications
◆2013/08-048 |
◆Nature views
◆2013/08-049 |
◆Other animals
◆2013/08-050 |
◆Constructions and buildings
◆2013/08-051 |
◆Interiors and details
.jpg/100px-Computer_generated_image_of_the_Mærsk_Triple_E_Class_(1).jpg) |
◆2013/08-052 |
◆Maps and diagrams
◆2013/08-053 |
◆Religious Buildings
◆2013/08-054 |
◆People and human activities
◆2013/08-055 |
◆Nature views
◆2013/08-056 |
◆2013/08-057 |
◆2013/08-058 |
◆2013/08-059 |
◆People and human activities
◆2013/08-060 |
◆Vehicles and crafts
◆2013/08-061 |
◆Cities and Bridges
◆2013/08-062 |
◆People and human activities
◆2013/08-063 |
◆Plants and fungi
◆2013/08-064 |
◆Constructions and buildings
◆2013/08-065 |
◆Constructions and buildings
◆2013/08-066 |
◆Plants and fungi
◆2013/08-067 |
◆Interiors and details
◆2013/08-068 |
◆Maps and diagrams
◆2013/08-069 |
◆2013/08-070 |
◆Nature views
◆2013/08-071 |
◆Religious Buildings
◆2013/08-072 |
◆Nature views
◆2013/08-073 |
◆Plants and fungi
◆2013/08-074 |
◆Objects, rocks and miscellaneous
◆2013/08-075 |
◆Astronomy, satellite and outer space
◆2013/08-076 |
◆Cities and Bridges
◆2013/08-077 |
◆People and human activities
_sobre_un_Gymnocalicium_mihanowichii%2C_Ciudad_Ho_Chi_Minh%2C_Vietnam%2C_2013-08-14%2C_DD_02.jpg/100px-Libélula_(Orthetrum_sabina)_sobre_un_Gymnocalicium_mihanowichii%2C_Ciudad_Ho_Chi_Minh%2C_Vietnam%2C_2013-08-14%2C_DD_02.jpg) |
◆2013/08-078 |
◆2013/08-079 |
◆Castles and Fortifications
◆2013/08-080 |
◆Nature views
(duplicated) |
◆2013/08-081 |
duplicate of 2013/09-05
◆2013/08-082 |
◆Religious Buildings
◆2013/08-083 |
◆Interiors and details
◆2013/08-084 |
◆People and human activities
◆2013/08-085 |
◆Panoramic views
◆2013/08-086 |
◆Cities and Bridges
◆2013/08-087 |
◆Other animals
◆2013/09-001 |
◆Interiors and details
.jpg/100px-The_Bridge_(August_2013).jpg) |
◆2013/09-002 |
◆Nature views
◆2013/09-003 |
◆Maps and diagrams
◆2013/09-004 |
◆Constructions and buildings
◆2013/09-005 |
%2C_Cozumel.jpg/100px-Green_Moray_Eel_(Gymnothorax_funebris)%2C_Cozumel.jpg) |
◆2013/09-006 |
◆Other animals
◆2013/09-007 |
◆Constructions and buildings
◆2013/09-008 |
◆2013/09-009 |
◆Cities and Bridges
◆2013/09-010 |
◆Constructions and buildings
◆2013/09-011 |
◆Nature views
◆2013/09-012 |
◆Astronomy, satellite and outer space
◆2013/09-013 |
◆Maps and diagrams
◆2013/09-014 |
◆Objects, rocks and miscellaneous
◆2013/09-015 |
◆Plants and fungi
◆2013/09-016 |
◆2013/09-017 |
◆Vehicles and crafts
◆2013/09-018 |
◆Constructions and buildings
◆2013/09-019 |
◆Castles and Fortifications
◆2013/09-020 |
◆Other animals
◆2013/09-021 |
◆Cities and Bridges
◆2013/09-022 |
◆Objects, rocks and miscellaneous
◆2013/09-023 |
◆Cities and Bridges
◆2013/09-024 |
◆People and human activities
◆2013/09-025 |
◆Cities and Bridges
◆2013/09-026 |
◆People and human activities
◆2013/09-027 |
◆Other animals
◆2013/09-028 |
◆Objects, rocks and miscellaneous
◆2013/09-029 |
◆Castles and Fortifications
◆2013/09-030 |
◆Religious Buildings
◆2013/09-031 |
◆Constructions and buildings
◆2013/09-032 |
◆Constructions and buildings
◆2013/09-033 |
◆Religious Buildings
◆2013/09-034 |
◆Constructions and buildings
◆2013/09-035 |
◆2013/09-036 |
◆Castles and Fortifications
◆2013/09-037 |
◆Nature views
◆2013/09-038 |
◆Castles and Fortifications
◆2013/09-039 |
◆Castles and Fortifications
◆2013/09-040 |
◆People and human activities
◆2013/09-041 |
◆Other animals
◆2013/09-042 |
◆Vehicles and crafts
◆2013/09-043 |
◆Constructions and buildings
◆2013/09-044 |
◆Interiors and details
◆2013/09-045 |
◆Castles and Fortifications
◆2013/09-046 |
◆Religious Buildings
◆2013/09-047 |
◆Religious Buildings
◆2013/09-048 |
◆Panoramic views
◆2013/09-049 |
◆2013/09-050 |
◆Religious Buildings
_Backeb.jpg/100px-Cleistocactus_strausii_(Heese)_Backeb.jpg) |
◆2013/09-051 |
◆Plants and fungi
◆2013/09-052 |
◆Interiors and details
◆2013/09-053 |
◆Objects, rocks and miscellaneous
◆2013/09-054 |
◆Interiors and details
_в_Тан-Тане_(Марокко).jpg/100px-Муссем_(фольклорный_фестиваль)_в_Тан-Тане_(Марокко).jpg) |
◆2013/09-055 |
◆People and human activities
◆2013/09-056 |
◆2013/09-057 |
◆2013/09-058 |
◆Other animals
◆2013/09-059 |
◆2013/09-060 |
◆Constructions and buildings
◆2013/09-061 |
◆Castles and Fortifications
◆2013/09-062 |
◆Constructions and buildings
◆2013/09-063 |
◆Other animals
◆2013/09-064 |
◆Maps and diagrams
◆2013/09-065 |
◆Vehicles and crafts
◆2013/09-066 |
◆Plants and fungi
◆2013/09-067 |
◆Castles and Fortifications
◆2013/09-068 |
◆Interiors and details
◆2013/09-069 |
◆Religious Buildings
◆2013/09-070 |
◆Objects, rocks and miscellaneous
◆2013/09-071 |
◆Interiors and details
◆2013/09-072 |
◆Constructions and buildings
◆2013/09-073 |
◆Constructions and buildings
◆2013/09-074 |
◆Vehicles and crafts
◆2013/09-075 |
◆Objects, rocks and miscellaneous
_par_Rude%2C_Arc_de_Triomphe_Etoile_Paris.jpg/100px-Le_Départ_des_Volontaires_(La_Marseillaise)_par_Rude%2C_Arc_de_Triomphe_Etoile_Paris.jpg) |
◆2013/09-076 |
◆Objects, rocks and miscellaneous
◆2013/09-077 |
◆2013/09-078 |
◆Constructions and buildings
_-_Klein-Venedig.JPG/100px-Opole_(Oppeln)_-_Klein-Venedig.JPG) |
◆2013/09-079 |
◆Cities and Bridges
◆2013/09-080 |
◆Panoramic views
◆2013/09-081 |
◆Interiors and details
◆2013/09-082 |
◆Vehicles and crafts
◆2013/10-001 |
◆Maps and diagrams
◆2013/10-002 |
◆Objects, rocks and miscellaneous
◆2013/10-003 |
◆Cities and Bridges
◆2013/10-004 |
◆Cities and Bridges
◆2013/10-005 |
◆Constructions and buildings
◆2013/10-006 |
◆Plants and fungi
◆2013/10-007 |
◆Castles and Fortifications
◆2013/10-008 |
◆2013/10-009 |
◆2013/10-010 |
◆Cities and Bridges
◆2013/10-011 |
◆Constructions and buildings
◆2013/10-012 |
◆Nature views
◆2013/10-013 |
◆Bones, shells and fossils
◆2013/10-014 |
◆Cities and Bridges
◆2013/10-015 |
◆Religious Buildings
◆2013/10-016 |
◆Castles and Fortifications
◆2013/10-017 |
◆Panoramic views
◆2013/10-018 |
◆Castles and Fortifications
◆2013/10-019 |
◆People and human activities
◆2013/10-020 |
◆Religious Buildings
◆2013/10-021 |
◆Castles and Fortifications
◆2013/10-022 |
◆2013/10-023 |
◆Nature views
◆2013/10-024 |
◆Religious Buildings
◆2013/10-025 |
◆Vehicles and crafts
◆2013/10-026 |
◆2013/10-027 |
◆Maps and diagrams
◆2013/10-028 |
◆Panoramic views
◆2013/10-029 |
◆Religious Buildings
◆2013/10-030 |
◆Interiors and details
◆2013/10-031 |
◆Religious Buildings
◆2013/10-032 |
◆Panoramic views
◆2013/10-033 |
◆2013/10-034 |
◆Cities and Bridges
◆2013/10-035 |
◆People and human activities
◆2013/10-036 |
◆Castles and Fortifications
◆2013/10-037 |
◆Religious Buildings
◆2013/10-038 |
◆Nature views
◆2013/10-039 |
◆Religious Buildings
◆2013/10-040 |
◆Panoramic views
◆2013/10-041 |
◆Castles and Fortifications
◆2013/10-042 |
◆Paintings and illustrations
◆2013/10-043 |
◆Objects, rocks and miscellaneous
◆2013/10-044 |
◆Religious Buildings
◆2013/10-045 |
◆Religious Buildings
◆2013/10-046 |
◆Panoramic views
◆2013/10-047 |
◆Nature views
◆2013/10-048 |
%2C_Hampi%2C_Vijayanagara%2C_Karnataka%2C_India_(2012).jpg/100px-Dancing_Girls_Bath_(Hampi_water_tank)%2C_Hampi%2C_Vijayanagara%2C_Karnataka%2C_India_(2012).jpg) |
◆2013/10-049 |
◆Constructions and buildings
◆2013/10-050 |
◆Nature views
◆2013/10-051 |
◆Other animals
%2C_Sète%2C_Hérault_01.jpg/100px-Seabourn_Quest_(ship)%2C_Sète%2C_Hérault_01.jpg) |
◆2013/10-052 |
◆Vehicles and crafts
◆2013/10-053 |
◆Constructions and buildings
◆2013/10-054 |
◆People and human activities
◆2013/10-055 |
◆Castles and Fortifications
◆2013/10-056 |
◆Constructions and buildings
◆2013/10-057 |
◆Constructions and buildings
◆2013/10-058 |
◆Vehicles and crafts
◆2013/10-059 |
◆Vehicles and crafts
.jpg/100px-Stefan_Heym_(1982).jpg) |
◆2013/10-060 |
◆People and human activities
◆2013/10-061 |
◆People and human activities
◆2013/10-062 |
◆Plants and fungi
◆2013/10-063 |
◆Constructions and buildings
◆2013/10-064 |
◆Interiors and details
◆2013/10-065 |
◆People and human activities
◆2013/10-066 |
◆Panoramic views
◆2013/10-067 |
◆Vehicles and crafts
◆2013/10-068 |
◆2013/10-069 |
◆Nature views
◆2013/10-070 |
◆Nature views
◆2013/10-071 |
◆Nature views
◆2013/10-072 |
◆Cities and Bridges
◆2013/10-073 |
◆Constructions and buildings
.JPG/100px-Araneus_diadematus_(Clerck%2C_1757).JPG) |
◆2013/10-074 |
◆2013/10-075 |
◆Constructions and buildings
.JPG/100px-Pirotski_Grad_(by_Pudelek).JPG) |
◆2013/10-076 |
◆Castles and Fortifications
◆2013/10-077 |
◆Nature views
◆2013/10-078 |
◆Panoramic views
◆2013/10-079 |
◆Religious Buildings
◆2013/10-080 |
◆Nature views
◆2013/10-081 |
◆Panoramic views
_-_THE_NOBEL_PEACE_PRIZE_LAUREATES_FOR_1994_IN_OSLO..jpg/100px-Flickr_-_Government_Press_Office_(GPO)_-_THE_NOBEL_PEACE_PRIZE_LAUREATES_FOR_1994_IN_OSLO..jpg) |
◆2013/10-082 |
◆People and human activities
◆2013/10-083 |
◆Other animals
◆2013/10-084 |
◆Objects, rocks and miscellaneous
◆2013/10-085 |
◆Nature views
◆2013/10-086 |
◆Other animals
◆2013/10-087 |
◆Nature views
◆2013/10-088 |
◆Castles and Fortifications
◆2013/10-089 |
◆Bones, shells and fossils
◆2013/10-090 |
◆Vehicles and crafts
◆2013/10-091 |
◆Panoramic views
◆2013/10-092 |
◆Religious Buildings
◆2013/10-093 |
◆Constructions and buildings
◆2013/10-094 |
◆Nature views
◆2013/10-095 |
◆Cities and Bridges
◆2013/10-096 |
◆Nature views
_IMGP3844_smial_wp.jpg/100px-Lee_Fields_%26_The_Expressions_(Haldern_Pop_2013)_IMGP3844_smial_wp.jpg) |
◆2013/10-097 |
◆People and human activities
◆2013/10-098 |
%2C_hunting.jpg/100px-Great_Blue_Heron_(Ardea_herodias)%2C_hunting.jpg) |
◆2013/10-099 |
◆2013/10-100 |
◆2013/10-101 |
◆Vehicles and crafts
◆2013/10-102 |
◆Vehicles and crafts
◆2013/10-103 |
◆Nature views
◆2013/10-104 |
◆Panoramic views
◆2013/10-105 |
◆Constructions and buildings
.JPG/100px-Holtug_Kirke_(Stevns_Kommune%2C_Danmark).JPG) |
◆2013/10-106 |
◆Religious Buildings
◆2013/10-107 |
◆People and human activities
%2C_Corte_Madera.jpg/100px-Black-necked_Stilt_(Himantopus_mexicanus)%2C_Corte_Madera.jpg) |
◆2013/10-108 |
◆2013/10-109 |
◆Vehicles and crafts
◆2013/10-110 |
◆Panoramic views
◆2013/10-111 |
◆Castles and Fortifications
◆2013/10-112 (set) |
◆Paintings and illustrations |
■Commons:Featured picture candidates/Set/Puck of Pook's Hill
◆2013/11-001 |
◆Nature views
◆2013/11-002 |
◆Castles and Fortifications
◆2013/11-003 |
◆Interiors and details
◆2013/11-004 |
◆Cities and Bridges
.jpg/100px-Vranov_nad_Dyji03(js).jpg) |
◆2013/11-005 |
◆Castles and Fortifications
.JPG/100px-Bač_fortress_(Bačka_tvrđava).JPG) |
◆2013/11-006 |
◆Castles and Fortifications
◆2013/11-007 |
◆Panoramic views
◆2013/11-008 |
◆Vehicles and crafts
◆2013/11-009 |
◆Panoramic views
◆2013/11-010 |
◆Interiors and details
◆2013/11-011 |
◆Castles and Fortifications
◆2013/11-012 |
◆Interiors and details
◆2013/11-013 |
◆Cities and Bridges
_-_King_Hussein_of_Jordan_lights_P.M.Yitzhak_Rabin%27s_cigarette_at_royal_residence_in_Akaba.jpg/100px-Flickr_-_Government_Press_Office_(GPO)_-_King_Hussein_of_Jordan_lights_P.M.Yitzhak_Rabin%27s_cigarette_at_royal_residence_in_Akaba.jpg) |
◆2013/11-014 |
◆People and human activities
◆2013/11-015 |
◆Cities and Bridges
◆2013/11-016 |
◆Constructions and buildings
◆2013/11-017 |
◆Vehicles and crafts
◆2013/11-018 |
◆Astronomy, satellite and outer space |
(former File:Cheju etm 2000097 lrg.jpg, renamed 2014-02-02)
◆2013/11-019 |
◆Nature views
◆2013/11-020 |
◆2013/11-021 |
◆Vehicles and crafts
◆2013/11-022 |
◆Nature views
◆2013/11-023 |
◆Castles and Fortifications
◆2013/11-024 |
◆Castles and Fortifications
◆2013/11-025 |
◆Castles and Fortifications
◆2013/11-026 |
◆Other animals
◆2013/11-027 |
◆2013/11-028 |
.jpg/100px-Forum_romanum_6k_(5760x2097).jpg) |
◆2013/11-029 |
◆Panoramic views
◆2013/11-030 |
◆Panoramic views
◆2013/11-031 |
◆Nature views
◆2013/11-032 |
◆Cities and Bridges
◆2013/11-033 |
◆Religious Buildings
◆2013/11-034 |
◆Nature views
◆2013/11-035 |
◆Vehicles and crafts
◆2013/11-036 |
◆Interiors and details
◆2013/11-037 |
◆Objects, rocks and miscellaneous
◆2013/11-038 |
◆Cities and Bridges
◆2013/11-039 |
◆Panoramic views
◆2013/11-040 |
◆Nature views
◆2013/11-041 |
◆Interiors and details
◆2013/11-042 |
◆Castles and Fortifications
◆2013/11-043 |
◆Nature views
◆2013/11-044 |
◆2013/11-045 |
◆2013/11-046 |
◆Panoramic views
◆2013/11-047 |
◆Nature views
◆2013/11-048 |
◆Religious Buildings
◆2013/11-049 |
◆2013/11-050 |
◆People and human activities
◆2013/11-051 |
◆Maps and diagrams
◆2013/11-052 |
◆Constructions and buildings
◆2013/11-053 |
◆Panoramic views
◆2013/11-054 |
◆Cities and Bridges
◆2013/11-055 |
◆2013/11-056 |
◆Vehicles and crafts
◆2013/11-057 |
◆2013/11-058 |
◆Nature views
◆2013/11-059 |
◆Constructions and buildings
◆2013/11-060 |
◆Cities and Bridges
◆2013/11-061 |
◆Other animals
◆2013/11-062 |
◆Constructions and buildings
◆2013/11-063 |
◆Cities and Bridges
_over_Italy.jpg/100px-Air-to-air_photo_of_a_Sukhoi_Superjet_100_(RA-97004)_over_Italy.jpg) |
◆2013/11-064 |
◆Vehicles and crafts
◆2013/11-065 |
◆Bones, shells and fossils
◆2013/11-066 |
◆Cities and Bridges
◆2013/11-067 |
◆Cities and Bridges
◆2013/11-068 |
◆Constructions and buildings
◆2013/11-069 |
◆Castles and Fortifications
◆2013/11-070 |
◆2013/11-071 |
◆Religious Buildings
◆2013/11-072 |
◆Religious Buildings
.JPG/100px-Kostel_Nalezení_svatého_kříže_a_klášterní_zahrady_v_Litomyšli_(by_Pudelek).JPG) |
◆2013/11-073 |
◆Religious Buildings
◆2013/11-074 |
◆Interiors and details
◆2013/11-075 |
◆Astronomy, satellite and outer space
◆2013/11-076 |
◆Interiors and details
◆2013/11-077 |
◆Objects, rocks and miscellaneous
◆2013/11-078 |
◆Nature views
◆2013/11-079 |
◆Panoramic views
◆2013/11-080 |
◆Paintings and illustrations
◆2013/11-081 |
◆Interiors and details
◆2013/11-082 |
◆Nature views
◆2013/11-083 |
◆Constructions and buildings
_2013.jpg/100px-Spanish_girl_at_Las_Fallas_(Valencia_Spain_Spring_Festival)_2013.jpg) |
◆2013/11-084 |
◆People and human activities
◆2013/11-085 |
◆Constructions and buildings
◆2013/11-086 |
◆Nature views
◆2013/11-087 |
◆Objects, rocks and miscellaneous
◆2013/11-088 |
◆2013/11-089 |
◆Religious Buildings
_-_right_hand_screen.jpg/100px-Hasegawa_Tohaku_-_Pine_Trees_(Shōrin-zu_byōbu)_-_right_hand_screen.jpg) |
◆2013/11-090 (set) |
◆Paintings and illustrations |
■Commons:Featured picture candidates/Set/Pine Trees screen
◆2013/12-001 |
◆Constructions and buildings
◆2013/12-002 |
◆Maps and diagrams
◆2013/12-003 |
◆Nature views
◆2013/12-004 |
◆Vehicles and crafts
◆2013/12-005 |
◆Objects, rocks and miscellaneous
◆2013/12-006 |
◆Castles and Fortifications
◆2013/12-007 |
◆People and human activities
%2C_Greece.jpg/100px-Panoramic_view_of_Oia%2C_Santorini_island_(Thira)%2C_Greece.jpg) |
◆2013/12-008 |
◆Panoramic views
◆2013/12-009 |
◆People and human activities
◆2013/12-010 |
◆Castles and Fortifications
_-_fresco_2.JPG/100px-Rila_Monastery_(Рилски_манастир)_-_fresco_2.JPG) |
◆2013/12-011 |
◆Interiors and details
.JPG/100px-London_Eye_at_Night_(long_exposure).JPG) |
◆2013/12-012 |
◆Constructions and buildings
◆2013/12-013 |
◆Constructions and buildings
◆2013/12-014 |
◆Cities and Bridges
◆2013/12-015 |
◆Constructions and buildings
◆2013/12-016 |
◆Castles and Fortifications
◆2013/12-017 |
◆Nature views
◆2013/12-018 |
◆Panoramic views
◆2013/12-019 |
◆Cities and Bridges
◆2013/12-020 |
◆Religious Buildings
◆2013/12-021 |
◆Constructions and buildings
◆2013/12-022 |
◆Interiors and details
◆2013/12-023 |
◆Nature views
◆2013/12-024 |
◆Panoramic views
◆2013/12-025 |
◆2013/12-026 |
◆Astronomy, satellite and outer space
◆2013/12-027 |
◆Constructions and buildings
◆2013/12-028 |
◆Interiors and details
◆2013/12-029 |
◆2013/12-030 |
◆Other animals
◆2013/12-031 |
◆Nature views
◆2013/12-032 |
◆Constructions and buildings
◆2013/12-033 |
◆Interiors and details
◆2013/12-034 |
◆Other animals
◆2013/12-035 |
◆Nature views
◆2013/12-036 |
◆Astronomy, satellite and outer space
◆2013/12-037 |
◆Panoramic views
◆2013/12-038 (set) |
◆Maps and diagrams |
■Commons:Featured picture candidates/Set/Illustrations about the crystallisation in Naica for wikijunior
◆2013/12-039 |
◆People and human activities
◆2013/12-040 |
◆Vehicles and crafts
◆2013/12-041 |
◆Nature views
◆2013/12-042 |
◆Nature views
◆2013/12-043 |
◆Vehicles and crafts
◆2013/12-044 |
◆Nature views
.jpg/100px-Basílica_Nuestra_Señora_del_Rosario_de_Chiquinquirá_(Exterior_1).jpg) |
◆2013/12-045 |
◆Religious Buildings
◆2013/12-046 |
◆Plants and fungi
◆2013/12-047 |
◆Other animals
◆2013/12-048 |
◆Vehicles and crafts
◆2013/12-049 |
◆Constructions and buildings
◆2013/12-050 |
◆Vehicles and crafts
◆2013/12-051 |
◆People and human activities
◆2013/12-052 |
◆Astronomy, satellite and outer space
◆2013/12-053 |
◆Cities and Bridges
◆2013/12-054 |
◆Nature views
◆2013/12-055 |
◆Vehicles and crafts
◆2013/12-056 |
◆Constructions and buildings
-Temple_Mount-Dome_of_the_Chain_(south_exposure).jpg/100px-Jerusalem-2013(2)-Temple_Mount-Dome_of_the_Chain_(south_exposure).jpg) |
◆2013/12-057 |
◆Religious Buildings
(deleted) |
◆2013/12-058 |
◆People and human activities |
deleted after R1
◆2013/12-059 |
◆Panoramic views
◆2013/12-060 |
◆Castles and Fortifications
◆2013/12-061 |
◆2013/12-062 |
◆Objects, rocks and miscellaneous
◆2013/12-063 |
◆Nature views
◆2013/12-064 |
◆Castles and Fortifications
-Aerial-Temple_Mount-(south_exposure).jpg/100px-Jerusalem-2013(2)-Aerial-Temple_Mount-(south_exposure).jpg) |
◆2013/12-065 |
◆Religious Buildings
_-_Self-Portrait%2C_Yawning_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg/100px-Joseph_Ducreux_(French)_-_Self-Portrait%2C_Yawning_-_Google_Art_Project.jpg) |
◆2013/12-066 |
◆Paintings and illustrations
◆2013/12-067 |
◆Interiors and details
_2.JPG/100px-Bač_fortress_(Bačka_tvrđava)_2.JPG) |
◆2013/12-068 |
◆Castles and Fortifications
◆2013/12-069 |
◆Castles and Fortifications
◆2013/12-070 |
◆Constructions and buildings
◆2013/12-071 |
◆Paintings and illustrations
◆2013/12-072 |
◆Constructions and buildings
◆2013/12-073 |
◆Religious Buildings
◆2013/12-074 |
◆People and human activities
◆2013/12-075 |
◆2013/12-076 |
◆Maps and diagrams
◆2013/12-077 |
◆Nature views
◆2013/12-078 |
◆Cities and Bridges
◆2013/12-079 |
◆Castles and Fortifications
◆2013/12-080 |
◆People and human activities
◆2013/12-081 |
◆Plants and fungi
◆2013/12-082 |
◆Cities and Bridges
◆2013/12-083 |
◆2013/12-084 |
◆Religious Buildings
◆2013/12-085 |
◆Plants and fungi
◆2013/12-086 |
◆Nature views
.jpg/100px-Sparrige_Schüppling_(Pholiota_squarrosa).jpg) |
◆2013/12-087 |
◆Plants and fungi
◆2013/12-088 |
◆Astronomy, satellite and outer space
◆2013/12-089 |
◆Constructions and buildings
◆2013/12-090 |
◆Religious Buildings
◆2013/12-091 |
◆Nature views
◆2013/12-092 (set) |
◆Cities and Bridges |
■Commons:Featured picture candidates/Set/Kizil Hauzen Bridge
◆2013/12-093 |
◆Plants and fungi
◆2013/12-094 |
◆Cities and Bridges
◆2013/12-095 |
◆2013/12-096 |
◆Nature views
◆2013/12-097 |
◆2013/12-098 |
◆Religious Buildings
◆2013/12-099 |
◆Nature views
◆2013/12-100 |
◆Constructions and buildings
◆2013/12-101 |
◆Nature views
◆2013/12-102 |
◆Constructions and buildings
◆2013/12-103 |
◆Castles and Fortifications
◆2013/12-104 |
◆Cities and Bridges
◆2013/12-105 |
◆Nature views
◆2013/12-106 |
◆Cities and Bridges
◆2013/12-107 |
◆Interiors and details
◆2013/12-108 |
◆Castles and Fortifications
◆2013/12-109 |
◆Religious Buildings
◆2013/12-110 |
◆Religious Buildings