Developer – Mend Thu, 31 Oct 2024 21:53:08 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Developer – Mend 32 32 What is LDAP Injection? Types, Examples and How to Prevent It Thu, 21 Mar 2024 21:56:09 +0000 What is LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol)?

A lighter-weight version of the Directory Access Protocol (DAP), Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) is an open, vendor-neutral, industry-standard application protocol for accessing and maintaining distributed directory information services over an Internet Protocol (IP) network. LDAP is widely applied in web development because of the centralized authentication, enabling users to log into different websites and applications with a single identity.

The unified directory service supported by LDAP facilitates the sharing of user and resource directories among various applications and services. In security and authentication management, LDAP’s support of data encryption and security authentication mechanisms has made it an ideal choice for managing user data, implementing authorization with SSL, and simplifying resource access in large organizations and enterprise environments.

LDAP data structure

LDAP stores data in a hierarchical directory tree where each entry is a unique node. Each node consists of one or more attributes that define its characteristics. For example, a user node may contain details like UID, username, password, email, etc.

LDAP is ideal for storing data like organizational structure, user information and permission settings in a tree-like format. It features a lightweight design, optimizes read operations, and is more applicable in scenarios where there are far more read operations than write operations.

Specialized libraries are required to interact with the LDAP server. In Java, JNDI (Java Naming and Directory Interface) is usually used for LDAP operations. Here is a simple query code example.

public class LdapConnection {
    public DirContext search(String url, String username, String password) throws Exception {
        Hashtable<String, String> env = new Hashtable<>();
        env.put(Context.INITIAL_CONTEXT_FACTORY, "com.sun.jndi.ldap.LdapCtxFactory");
        env.put(Context.PROVIDER_URL, url);
        env.put(Context.SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION, "simple");
        env.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, username);
        env.put(Context.SECURITY_CREDENTIALS, password);
        DirContext ctx =  new InitialDirContext(env);
   SearchControls searchControls = new SearchControls();
        NamingEnumeration<SearchResult> results =, searchFilter, searchControls);
        while (results.hasMore()) {
            SearchResult result =;
            System.out.println("Name: " + result.getName());

LDAP injection attacks 

Despite its several advantages, LDAP has also become a hot target for malicious attacks due to its widespread application. With the purpose of destroying the app or making illegal profits, hackers launch malicious LDAP injection attacks on systems that fail to handle users’ data properly. Let’s learn more about LDAP attack modes below:

Attack modes

Basic attack and blind attack are the two ways that LDAP Injection is performed.

Basic Attack

A basic attack is simple, clear, and direct: attackers locate the vulnerability and steal data by tampering with query operations with malicious input. For instance, it is most vulnerable if you directly create query conditions with string concatenation, such as:

String userFilter = "(cn=" + userInput + ")";

Blind Attack

In the blind attack mode, the attacker constantly attempts to interact with the LDAP server and infer based on the information returned by the server until a usable malicious query statement is found. This attack mode is chosen when there is not enough information, and the attacker searches for vulnerabilities through constant attempts. In the following example, where the user’s permissions are obtained via UID, the attacker infers whether the information returned by the method can be used or not.

public String getUserRole(String uid) {
    String query = "(uid=" + uid + ")";
    // LDAP query & return roleInfo

Meanwhile, attackers try to obtain more precise or more user information by passing in different searchCriteria.

public List<String> searchUser(String searchCriteria) {
    String query = "(&(objectClass=person)(|" + searchCriteria + "))";
   // LDAP query & return user list

Both the above two ways enable the attacker to obtain permissions and further imperil the LDAP system such as adding, deleting and modifying information.

The userInput in the code below is not verified, and the attacker can add any user information they want once they obtain the addUser permission.

public void addUser(String userInput) {
    String dn = "uid=" + userInput + ",dc=example,dc=com";
    Attributes attributes = new BasicAttributes();
    Attribute attribute = new BasicAttribute("objectClass", "inetOrgPerson");
    // LDAP add op
    context.createSubcontext(dn, attributes);

Similarly, the same issue lies in the deleteUser and modifyUser below.

public void deleteUser(String userInput) {
    String dn = "uid=" + userInput + ",dc=example,dc=com";
    // LDAP delete op
public void updateUser(String username, String userAttribute, String newValue) {
    String dn = "uid=" + username + ",dc=example,dc=com";
    ModificationItem[] mods = new ModificationItem[1];
    Attribute mod = new BasicAttribute(userAttribute, newValue);
    mods[0] = new ModificationItem(DirContext.REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE, mod);
    context.modifyAttributes(dn, mods);

AND and OR in Attacks

Attackers often use the AND operator to narrow the querying scope. Only the records that meet all criteria are returned.


For example, the following query narrows the query scope to user information.

String filter = "(&(objectClass=user)(uid=" + uid + "))";

On the contrary, the OR operator broadens the query scope and returns records that meet either condition, ensuring that at least one of the listed conditions is met.


For example, the following search returns results once either user or email is matched.

String filter = "(|(uid=" + userInput + ")(mail=" + emailInput + "))";

The attackers’ flexible use of AND and OR operators is greatly challenging to the system security.

Related: Preventing SQL Injections With Python

LDAP attack types

Common LDAP attacks can be classified into Information Disclosure, Authentication Bypass and Denial of Service(DoS). Let’s delve into these types of attacks in detail:

Information disclosure

Information Disclosure occurs when user input is used to build an LDAP query before it is properly processed. Via LDAP vulnerability, attackers access and disclose sensitive information that should not be made public, such as user credentials, personal data, passwords, etc., and use them for further crimes like identity and credit fraud.

Authentication bypass

An authentication bypass typically occurs when an application fails to validate an LDAP query input properly. The attacker constructs a malicious LDAP query statement and changes the authentication logic of the application to bypass the authentication mechanism. 

For example, an attacker could inject special query parameters so that an LDAP query always returns a positive result regardless of the actual username and password combination. In this way, an attacker can log in as any user and access protected resources and data.

The attackers’ full access to the system without security controls and audit mechanisms can cause large-scale data leaks and illegal data modifications, jeopardizing the security of the entire system.

Denial of Service (DoS)

Denial of Service (DoS) avails itself of the resource limitations of the LDAP server and consumes server resources by sending a large number of complex or specially constructed requests or creating multiple concurrent connections to fail the normal service. It attacks mainly by exhausting the target system’s resources, such as memory, CPU and network bandwidth.

The interruption of the core LDAP service affects the operations of all the systems that rely on it. For example, the Google incident in December 2020 was a typical LDAP system failure, which led to the service interruptions of YouTube and Gmail.

LDAP injection prevention cheat sheet

Remediation is reactive, and prevention is proactive. You can take better control of your security with this essential cheat sheet of defense mechanisms for preventing LDAP Injection attacks:

  • Use Parameterized Queries: Prevent LDAP injection by avoiding direct string concatenation, such as:
String searchFilter = "(&(uid={0})(userPassword={1}))";"dc=example,dc=com", searchFilter, new Object[]{username, password}, searchControls);
  • Input Validation: Validate all user inputs for format and legitimacy. Use regex to check if the input matches the expected format.
if (!username.matches("[A-Za-z0-9]{1,30}")) {
   throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid input");
  • Escape Special Characters: Escaping special characters in LDAP search input values ensures they are treated as literal characters rather than control characters in queries.
String sanitizedInput = input.replace("(", "\\28").replace(")", "\\29");
  • Implement Access Controls: Restrict LDAP access based on the principle of least privilege.
  • Encrypt LDAP Communications: Use SSL/TLS for LDAP communications to ensure data privacy.
Hashtable<String, String> env = new Hashtable<>();
env.put(Context.SECURITY_PROTOCOL, "ssl");
DirContext ctx = new InitialDirContext(env);
  • Audit and Monitor LDAP Access: Regularly audit and monitor LDAP access logs for suspicious activities.
  • Improve Authentication Method: Use strong authentication mechanisms, such as multi-factor authentication.
  • Sanitize Logs: Sanitize data before logging in order to avoid information leakage."User accessed: " + sanitizeForLog(username));
  • Manage Session: Implement secure session management for LDAP interactions, for instance, using tokens and timeout policies.
  • Limit LDAP Query: Limit the scope and complexity of LDAP queries, such as by setting query size and time limits in the LDAP search controls.
SearchControls controls = new SearchControls();
  • Harden LDAP Schema: Improve the LDAP schema to prevent unauthorized modifications, for example, restrict schema modification rights to admin users only.
  • Disable Unused LDAP Services: Turn off unused LDAP functionalities to reduce the attack surface.
  • Secure LDAP Server: Install LDAP-specific firewalls to filter malicious traffic.
  • Use Secure LDAP Libraries: Utilize well-known, secure LDAP libraries in your applications, for instance, UnboundID for Java.
  • Update LDAP Software: Keep LDAP servers and clients updated with the latest security patches.
  • Backup and Recovery: Have a robust backup and recovery plan for LDAP data.
  • Conduct Regular Audits: Conduct security audits of the LDAP infrastructure regularly, including schema validation, auditing logs, etc.


LDAP, while offering undeniable benefits, can be susceptible to malicious attacks. To safeguard your organization, prioritizing proactive prevention strategies like parameterized queries, input validation, and strong authentication mechanisms is crucial. By employing the comprehensive defense mechanisms outlined in this article, you can significantly bolster your LDAP security posture, thwarting information disclosure, authentication bypasses, and Denial-of-Service attacks, thereby maintaining the integrity and availability of vital data.

Remember, vigilance is key – regularly update your software, conduct security audits, and foster a culture of cyber awareness to stay ahead of evolving threats and uphold a robust security posture. By proactively investing in securing your LDAP infrastructure, you can ensure the continued success and resilience of your business in today’s dynamic and ever-evolving threat landscape.

How to Use Dependency Injection in Java: Tutorial with Examples Tue, 13 Feb 2024 17:38:10 +0000 What is dependency injection in Java?

Creating robust and maintainable software is constantly pursued in the ever-evolving landscape of Java development. One concept that stands out in achieving these goals is Dependency Injection (DI). This technique enhances code readability and promotes a more flexible and scalable architecture. At its core, Dependency Injection (DI) is a design pattern in Java that addresses the issue of managing dependencies between components in a software system. 

In a traditional setup, an object often creates or obtains its dependencies internally, resulting in tightly coupled code that can be challenging to maintain and test. Dependency Injection flips this paradigm by externalizing and injecting the dependencies into the object, hence the name “Dependency Injection.”

In Java, this often involves passing the required dependencies as parameters to a class’s constructor or through setters, allowing for a more modular and flexible code structure. Dependency Injection promotes code reusability, testability, and overall system scalability by decoupling components and externalizing dependencies.

Critical points of dependency injection in Java

Decoupling ComponentsDependency Injection reduces the tight coupling between components by ensuring that a class does not create its dependencies internally but receives them from an external source.
Modular and Maintainable CodeWith dependencies injected from the outside, each code component becomes more modular and easier to maintain, as changes in one code component do not necessarily affect others.
TestabilityDI facilitates unit testing by allowing for easy substituting dependencies with mock objects or alternative implementations. As a result, isolating and testing individual components is simpler.

What is inversion of control?

Understanding IoC is crucial in comprehending the philosophy behind Dependency Injection, as they are closely related concepts working in harmony to create more maintainable and scalable software architectures.

Inversion of Control (IoC) is a broader design principle that underlies Dependency Injection. It represents a shift in the flow of control in a software system. In a traditional procedural model, the main program or a framework controls the execution flow, deciding when to call specific functions or methods. In contrast, IoC flips this control by externalizing the flow of execution.

In the context of Dependency Injection, IoC means that a higher-level component or framework controls the flow and manages the dependencies of lower-level components. In other words, instead of a class controlling the instantiation of its dependencies, the control is inverted, and dependencies come from an external source.

Critical points of inversion of control

Externalized ControlIoC shifts the flow control from individual components to a higher-level entity, such as a framework or container.
Loose CouplingBy externalizing control, IoC promotes loose coupling between components, making the system more flexible and adaptable to changes.
Ease of ExtensionSystems following IoC are often more extensible, as new components can be added without modifying existing code, thanks to the externalized control of dependencies.

Classes of dependency injection

In Dependency Injection, several key classes play distinct roles in achieving the desired decoupling and flexibility. Understanding the responsibilities of these classes is fundamental to mastering Dependency Injection in Java. Let’s review these classes in detail:

Client class

It is the consumer of services or functionalities other classes provide. Its primary purpose is to consume services without being concerned about how they are instantiated or configured. That’s why DI relies on externalized dependencies rather than creating them internally. Let’s see an example below.

public class ProductClient {
	private ProductService productService;
	// Constructor Injection
	public ProductClient(ProductService productService) {
    	     this.productService = productService;
	public void displayProductDetails() {
    	     Product product = productService.getProductById(123);
    	    System.out.println("Product Details: " + product);

Here, the ProductClient class relies on the ProductService to retrieve product details. The dependency (ProductService) is injected into the ProductClient through constructor injection, promoting loose coupling.

Injector class

The injector class is responsible for injecting dependencies into client classes. It acts as a bridge between the client and the services it requires. In our example, an injector might look like this:

public class ProductInjector {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ProductService productService = new ProductServiceImpl();
        ProductClient productClient = new ProductClient(productService);

In this example, the ProductInjector creates an instance of ProductService and injects it into the ProductClient. The code sample demonstrates the externalized control of dependencies, a fundamental aspect of Dependency Injection.

Service class

Service classes encapsulate the business logic and provide functionalities to the client. Let’s create a simple implementation for the ProductService:

public interface ProductService {
	Product getProductById(int productId);
public class ProductServiceImpl implements ProductService {
	private ProductRepository productRepository;
	// Constructor Injection for Repository
	public ProductServiceImpl() {
    	this.productRepository = new ProductRepositoryImpl();
	public Product getProductById(int productId) {
    	return productRepository.findById(productId);

In this example, the ProductServiceImpl depends on a ProductRepository for data access. The ProductRepository could be another interface representing data access operations.

To illustrate the interaction with a database, let’s extend our example with a ProductRepository that interacts with a database:

public interface ProductRepository {
    Product findById(int productId);
public class ProductRepositoryImpl implements ProductRepository {
    // Simulating database interaction
    public Product findById(int productId) {
        // Database query logic here
        // For simplicity, let's return a dummy Product
        return new Product(productId, "Sample Product", 49.99);

Please note that this is a simplified example, but in a real-world scenario, the ProductRepositoryImpl class would contain database-specific logic for querying and retrieving product information.

These examples illustrate how DI allows for the externalized control of dependencies, leading to more modular and maintainable code. 

The client class (ProductClient) relies on a service (ProductService), which in turn depends on a repository (ProductRepository). 

This hierarchical structure enables the easy substitution of components and facilitates unit testing.

Types of dependency injection

While we have seen how we can achieve DI, it may present challenges, such as initial setup complexities and the need for careful design to maximize its advantages. In this section, we will discuss the types of dependency injection by emphasizing the choice between Constructor Injection, Field or Property-Based Injection, and Setter Injection. 

These types of injection can help developers achieve modularity and loose coupling. Furthermore, these types depend on specific use cases and project requirements, and knowing this helps the developer make informed decisions when implementing dependency injection in their Java projects. Let’s explore them in more detail:

Constructor injection

Constructor injection involves passing dependencies as parameters to a class’s constructor. This method ensures that the required dependencies are provided during object creation. Consider the following example:

public class ProductServiceClient {
    private final ProductService productService;
    // Constructor Injection
    public ProductServiceClient(ProductService productService) {
        this.productService = productService;
    // Client method using the injected service
    public void displayProductDetails() {
        Product product = productService.getProductById(123);
        System.out.println("Product Details: " + product);

Constructor injection promotes a clear and explicit declaration of dependencies. It ensures that an object cannot be instantiated without the required dependencies, leading to better maintainability and reducing the risk of null dependencies. This type of injection is beneficial when dependencies are essential for the proper functioning of the object.

Field or property-based injection

Field or property-based injection assigns dependencies directly to class fields or properties, which can be achieved through annotations or configuration files. Here’s a simplified example using the @Autowired annotation in Spring.

public class ProductServiceClient {
	private ProductService productService;
	// Client method using the injected service
	public void displayProductDetails() {
    	Product product = productService.getProductById(123);
    	System.out.println("Product Details: " + product);

The field-based injection is convenient when frameworks like Spring support automatic dependency injection through annotations. It suits scenarios where dependencies remain constant throughout the object’s lifecycle. However, caution is needed to avoid tight coupling, and considerations such as encapsulation and immutability should be considered.

Setter injection

Setter injection involves providing setter methods in a class for each dependency, allowing external entities to set those dependencies. Here’s an example:

public class ProductServiceClient {
    private ProductService productService;
    // Setter Injection
    public void setProductService(ProductService productService) {
        this.productService = productService;
    // Client method using the injected service
    public void displayProductDetails() {
        Product product = productService.getProductById(123);
        System.out.println("Product Details: " + product);

Setter injection provides flexibility, allowing dependencies to be changed or updated after the object is created. It is suitable when a class can function with optional dependencies or when dependencies may change during the object’s lifecycle. Setter injection is particularly beneficial for scenarios where the object may be reused with different configurations.

How does dependency injection work?

To implement Dependency Injection, a few prerequisites need to be in place. Firstly, a clear understanding of the dependencies within the system is essential. This includes identifying the services and components that require externalized dependencies. 

A Dependency Injection framework or container, such as Spring Framework in Java, is often utilized to automate the injection process.

Tools needed for a DI setup

  • Dependency Injection Framework: Choose a suitable DI framework or container for Java, such as Spring Framework or Google Guice.
  • Configuration: The dependencies and injection methods through XML configuration files, annotations, or Java-based configurations.
  • Dependency Provider: Ensure the existence of classes or components that will provide the required dependencies to the dependent classes.

The advantages of dependency injection

Dependency Injection brings about a paradigm shift in Java development, introducing several advantages that contribute to creating robust and maintainable software. Let’s look at some of the benefits it offers:

  • Improved Testability: DI facilitates easier unit testing by substituting actual dependencies with mock objects. This is crucial for writing comprehensive and reliable tests.
  • Enhanced Maintainability: Loose coupling achieved through DI simplifies modifying or extending the codebase. Changes in one component have minimal impact on others, making the codebase more maintainable.
  • Scalability: DI promotes a modular structure, making scaling and expanding the system easier. New components can be added with minimal impact on existing code.
  • Reduction of Code Duplication: In essence, DI addresses the challenge of code duplication by integrating/streamlining the management of dependencies. With the proper strategy in place of control of dependencies, Java projects can achieve code reduction.

Software security perspective  

Keep in mind that when using 3rd party libraries, especially open source and frameworks, special attention should be given to their maintenance and dependency hygiene. It’s recommended to keep updating the libraries as frequently as possible, to the latest stable and risk clean version. This will help you achieve better code maintainability and reduce software security risks if and when a new vulnerability is detected. A good and easy way of doing that is by using the free Renovate tool which helps automate the dependency upgrade process with minimal risks if breaking something on the way and high visibility.  


In this article, we have explored Dependency Injection’s strength as a design pattern, empowering developers to craft code that is not only clean, modular, and maintainable but also the profound impact it can have on the architecture of a Java project. 

We have also shed light on its intrinsic relationship with Inversion of Control (IoC). While IoC is a broader design principle, encapsulating the external control of execution flow, DI emerges as the specific technique for endowing components with dependencies externally.

Idempotency: The Microservices Architect’s Shield Against Chaos Mon, 22 Jan 2024 21:31:33 +0000 Introduction

The microservices architecture, while empowering scalability and agility, faces the challenge of maintaining data consistency and predictable behavior amidst distributed complexity. 

Idempotency, the principle of ensuring identical outcomes for repeated operations, provides an important solution to this problem by enabling you to build robust, predictable, and user-friendly microservices applications.

This article explores how idempotency strengthens microservices by safeguarding data integrity, enabling resilient error handling, and simplifying retry logic. It explains how to achieve this by using practical tools like unique identifiers, idempotent operation design, message queue deduplication, and circuit breakers.

How idempotency enables you to maintain data consistency

Microservices offer scalability and agility, but these strengths come with the Achilles’ heel of distributed complexity. Data consistency and predictable behavior become more precarious when independent services juggle shared resources and asynchronous messaging. 

Idempotency ensures that an operation, no matter how many times it’s executed under identical conditions, delivers the same outcome. Imagine ordering a pizza. You wouldn’t want two pizzas arriving just because you double-clicked the “submit” button. This is idempotency in action. It guarantees predictable, consistent behavior even in the face of repetition.

In the dynamic realm of microservices, where services collaborate and exchange data like chatty neighbors, idempotency becomes a guardian angel. Here’s how it empowers your architecture:

1. Data Integrity Fort Knox: 

Imagine two microservices, “Inventory” and “Order Processor,” managing your online store. Without idempotency, a network glitch could trigger duplicate order processing, depleting your inventory. Idempotent operations prevent this data nightmare, ensuring that only the first successful execution affects your precious inventory.

2. Resolute in the Face of Adversity:

Errors are inevitable, but idempotency allows your microservices to bounce back. Say an order confirmation message gets lost. With idempotency, the “resubmit” button doesn’t trigger another order or command. The service checks for prior attempts, preventing needless duplicates and ensuring smooth recovery.

3. Retry Logic Made Easy:

Imagine building a robust retry mechanism without idempotency. Every retry would be a potential landmine, risking duplicate actions and data corruption. Idempotency simplifies retry logic. Developers can confidently hit the “retry” button, knowing that even multiple attempts won’t harm the system. This results in cleaner code and less debugging fatigue.

Key Idempotency Tools:

  • Unique Identifiers: Like secret agent codenames, assign unique IDs to operations. These act as fingerprints, allowing services to check if a similar action has already been accomplished, and preventing unnecessary repetition.
  • Idempotent Operations by Design: Craft your services like meticulous chefs. Design actions to be inherently idempotent. For example, check for existing data before updating it, and ensure updates only happen once, no matter how many times you click “refresh.”
  • Message Queues with Deduplication: Think of these as organized mailboxes with built-in spam filters. Message queues buffer and process messages reliably, discarding duplicates even if they get misdelivered. This ensures your system remains calm and collected amidst digital postal chaos.
  • Circuit Breakers: Fail Fast. Recover Smart: Imagine an overzealous delivery driver repeatedly crashing at the same pothole. Circuit breakers act like traffic cones, automatically stopping retry attempts for failing operations. This prevents cascading failures and safeguards your system from resource exhaustion, letting it recover gracefully.

Conclusion: Idempotency’s pivotal role in elevating microservices resilience

Idempotency isn’t just a technical nicety; it’s the foundation for building microservices that thrive in the face of complexity. Embrace it, wield its tools wisely, and watch your architecture transform from a fragile house of cards to a resilient fortress, ready to weather any digital storm. Remember, in the realm of microservices, a little idempotency goes a long way. It’s your shield against chaos and the key to building applications that are not only powerful but also predictable, reliable, and ultimately, delightful to use.

How to Manage Secrets in Kubernetes Thu, 11 Jan 2024 14:33:45 +0000 Introduction

Most applications deployed through Kubernetes require access to databases, services, and other resources located externally. The easiest way to manage the login information necessary to access those resources is using Kubernetes secrets. Secrets help organize and distribute sensitive information across a cluster.

What are secrets?

A Secret is an object that contains a small amount of sensitive data such as a password, a token, or a key. Such information might otherwise be put in a Pod specification or in a container image. Using a Secret in Kubernetes means that you don’t need to include confidential data in your application code.

Because Secrets can be created independently of the Pods that use them, there is less risk of the Secret (and its data) being exposed when creating, viewing, and editing Pods. Kubernetes, and applications that run in your cluster, can also take additional precautions with Secrets, such as avoiding writing sensitive data to nonvolatile storage.

Secrets are similar to ConfigMaps but are specifically intended to hold confidential data.

Related: Kubernetes Pod Security Policy Best Practices

Why are Kubernetes secrets important?

In a distributed computing environment it is important that containerized applications remain ephemeral and do not share their resources with other pods. This is especially true in relation to PKI and other external confidential resources that pods need to access. For this reason, applications need a way to query their authentication methods externally without being held in the application itself.

Kubernetes offers a solution to this that follows the path of least privilege. Kubernetes Secrets act as separate objects that can be queried by the application Pod to provide credentials to the application for access to external resources. Secrets can only be accessed by Pods if they are explicitly part of a mounted volume or at the time when the Kubelet is pulling the image to be used for the Pod.

Learn More: Kubernetes Security: Best Practices and Tools

How does Kubernetes leverage secrets?

The Kubernetes API provides various built-in secret types for a variety of use cases found in the wild. When you create a secret, you can declare its type by leveraging the `type` field of the Secret resource, or an equivalent `kubectl` command line flag. The Secret type is used for programmatic interaction with the Secret data.

Updating and rotating secrets

Regularly updating and rotating secrets is a crucial security practice. While you can update a secret using kubectl edit, this approach is not recommended because it can be error-prone and can potentially lead to unintended consequences.

When you edit a secret with kubectl edit, you are modifying the existing secret in place. This means that any existing references to the secret (such as environment variables or volume mounts) will continue to use the old secret data until the application is restarted or the pod is deleted and recreated.

If you need to rotate a secret, you must update any references to the old secret to use the new secret instead!

That’s why past a certain size, it becomes useful to either implement app-specific mechanisms that reload configuration at runtime or deploy a sidecar container that monitors for changes and restarts the main container when necessary.

Limitations of Kubernetes secrets

While Kubernetes Secrets provide a convenient way to manage sensitive data, they have some limitations:

  • Limited encryption. By default, secrets are stored unencrypted in etcd. Kubernetes does support encryption, but the encrypting key needs separate management.
  • Limited rotation. Kubernetes secrets are designed to be immutable, which means that they cannot be modified or versioned once they are created. This, as we have seen, makes it difficult to rotate secrets. They can’t be audited either.
  • Limited access control. While Kubernetes provides RBAC (Role-Based Access Control) to control access to secrets, it is still possible for unauthorized users to gain access to secrets if they can compromise the cluster or the underlying infrastructure.
  • They may not be suitable for large-scale or highly regulated environments, where more advanced secret management solutions might be necessary.

Despite these limitations, Kubernetes Secrets remain a handy tool for managing secrets when you don’t need to scale immediately your cluster.

Kubernetes external secrets

Kubernetes External Secrets offer an alternative approach to managing secrets in Kubernetes by integrating with external secret management solutions. This allows you to maintain sensitive data outside of your Kubernetes cluster while still providing seamless access to applications running within the cluster.

How does it work?

Kubernetes External Secrets are custom resources that act as a bridge between your Kubernetes cluster and external secret management systems.

Instead of storing secrets directly in Kubernetes, External Secrets fetch and synchronize secrets from external systems, making them available as native Kubernetes Secrets. This ensures that your applications can access sensitive data without any code changes while benefiting from the security features provided by external secret management solutions.

Integrating with external secret management solutions

Kubernetes External Secrets can integrate with a variety of external secret management solutions, such as HashiCorp Vault, AWS Secrets Manager, Azure Key Vault, and Google Cloud Secret Manager.

To integrate External Secrets with your chosen secret management system, you need to deploy the corresponding External Secrets controller in your cluster and configure it to communicate with the external system.

For example, to integrate with HashiCorp Vault, you would deploy the Kubernetes External Secrets controller for Vault and configure it with the necessary Vault authentication and connection details.

Creating and using external secrets in Kubernetes

To create an External Secret, you need to define a custom resource in a YAML file, specifying the reference to the secret stored in the external system:

kind: ExternalSecret
  name: my-external-secret
  backendType: vault
    - secretKey: username
        key: secret/data/my-secret
        property: username
    - secretKey: password
        key: secret/data/my-secret
        property: password

Apply the YAML file using kubectl apply -f my-external-secret.yaml

The External Secrets controller will fetch the secret data from the external system and create a native Kubernetes Secret with the same name. This generated secret can be used by your applications in the same way as regular Kubernetes Secrets.

Advantages of Kubernetes external secrets

Using Kubernetes External Secrets offers several benefits:

  • Enhanced security by leveraging the features of external secret management solutions, such as encryption, access control, and auditing.
  • Reduced risk of exposing sensitive data within the Kubernetes cluster.
  • Simplified secret management for organizations already using external secret management systems.
  • Centralized secret management across multiple Kubernetes clusters and other platforms.

By integrating Kubernetes External Secrets with your chosen secret management solution, you can achieve a higher level of security and control over your sensitive data while maintaining compatibility with your existing Kubernetes applications.

Best practices for managing secrets in Kubernetes

To ensure the security and integrity of your sensitive data, it is crucial to follow best practices for secret management in Kubernetes. Below are some of the most important practices to keep your secrets secure and maintain a robust Kubernetes environment.

Role-based access control (RBAC)

RBAC is essential for managing secrets securely, as it enables you to control which users and components can create, read, update, or delete secrets. By implementing fine-grained access control, you can minimize the risk of unauthorized access and potential data breaches.

To implement RBAC for secrets management, you should create roles and role bindings that define the allowed actions on secrets for each user or group. For example, you can create a role that allows read-only access to secrets within a specific namespace and bind it to a specific user or group:

kind: Role
  namespace: my-namespace
  name: secret-reader
- apiGroups: [""]
  resources: ["secrets"]
  verbs: ["get", "watch", "list"]

Encrypting secrets at rest and in transit

Encrypting secrets is crucial for protecting sensitive data from unauthorized access, both when stored in etcd (at rest) and when transmitted within the cluster (in transit).

Kubernetes provides native encryption options, such as enabling etcd encryption to protect secrets at rest and using TLS for securing communications within the cluster. Ensure these options are configured and enabled to maintain the confidentiality of your secrets.

In addition to Kubernetes native encryption options, you can also integrate third-party encryption solutions, such as HashiCorp Vault or cloud-based key management services, to further enhance the security of your secrets.

Secret rotation and expiration

Regularly rotating secrets is an essential security practice that minimizes the risk of unauthorized access and potential data breaches.

Strategies for secret rotation include manual updates using kubectl or automated rotation using custom controllers or third-party secret management solutions.

Automating secret rotation can be achieved using Kubernetes operators, external secret management systems, or custom scripts that periodically update secrets based on a predefined schedule or events.

Auditing and monitoring

Auditing and monitoring are crucial for maintaining the security and integrity of your secrets, as they enable you to track and analyze secret access, usage, and modifications and detect potential security incidents.

Several tools can be used for auditing and monitoring secrets, such as Kubernetes audit logs, Prometheus, Grafana, and commercial solutions such as that provide detection against hard-coded secrets.

Configure alerts and notifications to proactively notify administrators of potential security incidents or irregular secret access patterns, enabling timely investigation and response to potential threats.

Final thoughts

In this blog post, we have discussed the importance of secrets management in Kubernetes and explored various methods and best practices for securely managing sensitive data in your applications. Kubernetes Secrets and Kubernetes External Secrets provide powerful tools and methodologies for managing secrets effectively, ensuring the security and integrity of your sensitive information.

Managing secrets securely in Kubernetes is critical for maintaining the confidentiality and integrity of your sensitive data. By following best practices and methodologies, you can create a robust and secure Kubernetes environment, safeguarding your applications and data from potential threats.

Closing the Loop on Python Circular Import Issue Thu, 30 Nov 2023 14:51:00 +0000 Introduction

Python’s versatility and ease of use have made it a popular choice among developers for a wide range of applications. However, as projects grow in complexity, so do the challenges that developers face. One such challenge is the notorious “Python circular import issue.” In this article, we will explore the intricacies of circular imports, the problems they can pose, and the strategies to effectively address and prevent them, enabling you to write cleaner and more maintainable Python code. Whether you’re a seasoned Python developer or just starting, understanding and resolving circular imports is a crucial skill in ensuring the robustness and scalability of your projects.

What is the Python circular import issue?

In Python, the circular import issue arises when two or more modules depend on each other in a way that creates a loop of dependencies. Imagine Module A needing something from Module B, and Module B needing something from Module A, leading to a tangled web of imports. This situation can result in a perplexing challenge for Python interpreters, often manifesting as an ImportError. Let’s illustrate this with a simple example:

import module_b

def function_a():
    return "This is function A in Module A"

import module_a

def function_b():
    return "This is function B in Module B"


In this example, imports, and vice versa. When you run, you’ll encounter an ImportError due to the circular import between the two modules. This circular dependency can lead to confusion and hinder the smooth execution of your Python code.

Understanding circular dependencies and their causes

Circular dependencies often result from poor code organization or a lack of modularization in your Python project. They can be unintentional and tend to emerge as your codebase grows in complexity. Let’s explore some common scenarios that lead to circular dependencies and their underlying causes:

Importing Modules That Depend on Each Other Directly or Indirectly

Circular dependencies often stem from situations where modules directly or indirectly depend on each other. Here’s a different example to illustrate this scenario:

from department import Department

class Employee:
    def __init__(self, name): = name
        self.department = Department("HR")

    def display_info(self):
        return f"Name: {}, Department: {}"

from employee import Employee

employee = Employee("Alice")
from employee import Employee

class Department:
    def __init__(self, name): = name
        self.manager = Employee("Bob")

    def display_info(self):
        return f"Department: {}, Manager: {}"

In this example, the module imports the Department class from, and the module imports the Employee class from This creates a circular dependency where each module relies on the other, potentially leading to a circular import issue when running the code.

Understanding and recognizing such dependencies in your code is crucial for addressing circular import issues effectively.

Circular References in Class Attributes or Function Calls

Circular dependencies can also arise when classes or functions from one module reference entities from another module, creating a loop of dependencies. Here’s an example:

from module_q import ClassQ

class ClassP:
    def __init__(self):
        self.q_instance = ClassQ()

    def method_p(self):
        return "This is method P in Class P"

from module_p import ClassP

class ClassQ:
    def __init__(self):
        self.p_instance = ClassP()

    def method_q(self):
        return "This is method Q in Class Q"


In this case, ClassP from references ClassQ from, and vice versa, creating a circular dependency.

A Lack of Clear Boundaries Between Modules

When your project lacks well-defined module boundaries, it becomes easier for circular dependencies to sneak in. Without a clear separation of concerns, modules may inadvertently rely on each other in a circular manner.

Understanding these common causes of circular dependencies is essential for effectively addressing and preventing them in your Python projects. In the following sections, we will explore various strategies to mitigate and resolve circular imports.

Issues with circular dependencies

Circular dependencies in Python code can introduce a multitude of problems that hinder code readability, maintainability, and overall performance. Here are some of the key issues associated with circular dependencies:

  • Readability and Maintenance Challenges: Circular dependencies make your codebase more complex and difficult to understand. As the number of intertwined modules increases, it becomes increasingly challenging to grasp the flow of your program. This can lead to confusion for developers working on the project, making it harder to maintain and update the codebase.
  • Testing and Debugging Complexity: Debugging circular dependencies can be a daunting task. When an issue arises, tracing the source of the problem and identifying which module introduced the circular import can be time-consuming and error-prone. This complexity can significantly slow down the debugging process and increase the likelihood of introducing new bugs while attempting to fix the existing ones.
  • Performance Overhead: Circular imports can lead to performance overhead. Python has to repeatedly load and interpret the same modules, which can result in slower startup times for your application. While this may not be a significant concern for smaller projects, it can become a performance bottleneck in larger and more complex applications.
  • Portability Concerns: Circular dependencies can also impact the portability of your code. If your project relies heavily on circular imports, it may become more challenging to reuse or share code across different projects or environments. This can limit the flexibility of your codebase and hinder collaboration with other developers.
  • Code Smells and Design Issues: Circular dependencies are often a symptom of poor code organization and design. They can indicate that modules are tightly coupled, violating the principles of modularity and separation of concerns. Addressing circular dependencies often involves refactoring your code to adhere to better design practices, which can be time-consuming and require a significant effort.

How to fix circular dependencies?

When you encounter circular import issues in your Python code, it’s essential to address them effectively to maintain code clarity and reliability. In this section, we’ll explore various strategies to resolve circular dependencies, ranging from restructuring your code to preventing them in the first place. Let’s dive into each approach:

Import When Needed

One straightforward approach to tackling circular dependencies is to import a module only when it’s needed within a function or method. By doing this, you can reduce the likelihood of circular dependencies occurring at the module level. Here’s an example:

def function_a():
    return "This is function A in Module A"

def function_b():
    from module_a import function_a  # Import only when needed
    return f"This is function B in Module B, calling: {function_a()}"

from module_b import function_b


In this example, function_b imports function_a only when it’s called. This approach can help break the circular dependency.

Import the Whole Module

Another strategy is to import the entire module rather than specific attributes or functions. This can help avoid circular imports because you’re not referencing specific elements directly. Consider this approach:

def function_a():
    return "This is function A in Module A"

import module_a  # Import the whole module

def function_b():
    return f"This is function B in Module B, calling: {module_a.function_a()}"

from module_b import function_b


Here, module_b imports module_a as a whole, and then function_b can access function_a without causing circular dependencies.

Merge Modules

In some cases, modules that are tightly coupled can be merged into a single module. This consolidation can eliminate circular dependencies by containing everything within a single module. Here’s an example of merging modules:

def function_a():
    return "This is function A in the merged module"

def function_b():
    return f"This is function B in the merged module, calling: {function_a()}"

from merged_module import function_b


In this scenario, both function_a and function_b are defined in the same module, eliminating the possibility of circular imports.

Change the Name of the Python Script

Renaming the Python script can sometimes break circular imports. By altering the import path, you can resolve circular dependency issues. Here’s an example:

import module_beta

def function_alpha():
    return "This is function Alpha in Module Alpha"

import module_alpha_renamed  # Renamed the script

def function_beta():
    return "This is function Beta in Module Beta"


In this example, renaming to changes the import path in, resolving the circular import issue. These strategies offer practical solutions to address and prevent circular dependencies.

How to avoid circular imports in Python?

Preventing circular imports is often more effective than trying to fix them after they occur. Python offers several techniques and best practices to help you avoid circular imports in your codebase. Let’s explore each of these strategies:

Use “import . as .”

You can use relative imports with the syntax import . as . to specify that you want to import from the current package. This approach can help you avoid importing the same module from different locations. Here’s an example:

# package/
from . import module_b

def function_a():
    return "This is function A in Module A"

# package/
from . import module_a

def function_b():
    return "This is function B in Module B"

from package.module_a import function_a
from package.module_b import function_b


By using relative imports (from . import …), you ensure that modules within the same package reference each other without causing circular dependencies.

Use Local Imports

Whenever possible, use local imports within functions or methods instead of global imports at the module level. This limits the scope of the import and reduces the risk of circular dependencies. Here’s an example:

def function_c():
    from module_d import function_d  # Local import
    return f"This is function C in Module C, calling: {function_d()}"

def function_d():
    return "This is function D in Module D"

from module_c import function_c


In this scenario, function_c locally imports function_d only when needed, avoiding global circular imports.

Use Python’s importlib or __import__() Functions

Python’s importlib module provides fine-grained control over imports, allowing you to dynamically load modules when needed. Similarly, the __import__() function can be used to achieve dynamic imports. These approaches enable you to import modules dynamically and avoid circular dependencies.

Use Lazy Imports

Lazy loading involves importing modules only when they are needed. Libraries like importlib and importlib.util provide functions to perform lazy imports, which can help mitigate circular import issues. Lazy loading is especially useful for improving the startup time of your application.

Leverage Python’s __main__ Feature

In some cases, you can move code that causes circular dependencies to the if __name__ == ‘__main__’: block. This ensures that the problematic code is only executed when the script is run as the main program. This technique allows you to isolate the problematic code, preventing circular dependencies from affecting other parts of your program.

Move Shared Code to a Separate Module

Identify shared code that multiple modules depend on and move it to a separate module. By centralizing shared functionality, you can reduce interdependencies between modules, making it easier to manage your codebase and prevent circular imports.

Reorganize Your Code

Consider restructuring your code to create clear boundaries between modules. Good code organization can go a long way in preventing circular imports. By following the principles of modularity and separation of concerns, you can design a more robust and maintainable codebase.

Move the Import to the End of the Module

Sometimes, moving the import statements to the end of the module can resolve circular import issues. By defining functions and classes before performing imports, you ensure that the necessary elements are available when needed.


In conclusion, addressing and preventing circular imports in Python is a crucial skill for any developer aiming to write clean, maintainable, and efficient code. Circular dependencies can introduce a myriad of challenges, from code readability and debugging complexities to performance bottlenecks. However, armed with the strategies and best practices outlined in this article, you can confidently tackle circular import issues in your projects.

Remember that prevention is often the best cure. By structuring your code thoughtfully, using relative imports, and embracing lazy loading, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of circular dependencies. When they do arise, a combination of import reorganization and modularization can help you untangle the web of dependencies. With these tools at your disposal, you can close the loop on Python circular import issues and pave the way for robust and scalable Python projects.

Getting Started with npm Basics: Mastering Node Package Manager Commands Thu, 16 Nov 2023 22:26:00 +0000 Introduction

The Internet as we know it today is structured and streamlined extensively using Javascript. Single-page to highly sophisticated interactive websites are built from the ground up using JavaScript as a base language. Such precedence places javascript at the top of the chain, demanding prodigious approaches and solutions. Modern problems require efficient and performant solutions, and while building these is straightforward, packaging and offering them is where the true complexity lies.

The vastness of the Javascript ecosystem and the demand surge of usage brought numerous tools into the market to address the limitations. Node package manager (npm) took the spotlight and became a promising and battle-tested tool to manage and maintain Javascript packages, especially Node.js – a cross-platform environment exclusively developed with a robust runtime to create server-side javascript web applications that run and execute outside the browser.

What is npm?

The npm (node package manager) is an efficient and transcendent offering that helps overcome the complexities of packaging and distributing Javascript modules and making them available through a centralized registry to host them as installable npm dependencies.

In a nutshell, npm allows developers to build, host, and interact with shareable Javascript packages rapidly, with enhanced functionality and code reliability guarantees. The package lifecycle can be handled efficiently using three components – npm Website, Registry, and CLI.


The npm website acts as a centralized user interface that makes it simple to access features, packages, libraries, and administrative options within the npm ecosystem.

The website offers an extensive view of code, dependencies, version history, and package metadata with a usage guidance readme and stats with capabilities for public and private repository isolation.


The registry is the centralized hub mounted on CouchDB hosting the npm packages for querying and upserts. npm packages are generally queried via name, version, or scope. Behind the scenes, npm communicates with the registry to resolve packages by name or version to read the package information.

By default, npm points to a public registry hosting general-purpose and open-source packages with customizable configurations to leverage private registry capabilities. Registries are boundless, as one can use any compatible or custom registry (public or private) to host and offer npm packages.


The CLI (command line interface) is a tool/utility bundled with dependency handling, package management, deployment, and administrative control capabilities.

The command line tool offers programmatic access to all npm features, enabling project management to manage dependencies and automation. Developers rely excessively on npm CLI to maintain package integrity and manage dependencies.

Getting started with npm

The rise of Node.js took the web paradigm by storm. The runtime environment has become a go-to option for developers intending to build cutting-edge modules using robust and sound principles that are battle-tested for security and performance. Understanding the npm domain and its internals holds weight if the aim is to build robust and resilient applications.

The walk-through is aimed at ensuring the reader has a thorough understanding of npm and the ecosystem and is equipped with the tools and best practices to make an impact with their innovative ideas.

Node.js installation and setup

Node.js is an OS-agnostic runtime environment that enables developers to tap into the capabilities of JavaScript from outside the browsers. Based on the underlying OS, there are multiple approaches for installing Node.js.

The installable binary/package can be downloaded from the Node.js official download page for setup and configuration. The installer comes in two flavors. The current flavor – with new and untested features (sometimes) and LTS (long-time support) – with stable and secure features.

To install Node.js based on OS, we can download tarball for Linux, a PKG for Mac, or MSI for Windows and install them post-decompression by following standard OS-specific package installation practices. Or install Node.js and Node package manager using the default command.

sudo apt install nodejs npm

brew install node

#follow UI wizard instructions

Post execution, successful installation of the latest version of Node.js and npm can be verified using the following command.

#Node.js version validation
$ node -v

#npm version validation
$ npm -v

Updating npm

Node package manager is an active project, with new features released periodically. Keeping up with the npm version and migrating the old version project’s dependencies is vital to catch up with the evolving market demands and introduce new features.

npm is a command-line tool inherently pre-packed with inbuilt commands to self-update the package version and update the dependencies. The npm install command implements a predefined flow of operations to update the version.

#upgrade npm to the latest version

npm install npm

Tip: An npm module npm-upgrade can be leveraged to easily update outdated dependencies with changelog inspection support and eliminate manual dependency upgrades.

Basic npm commands

npm is the root-level entry point to work with a suite of commands for handling and administering the modules. Project setup to deployment and beyond can be achieved as npm consists of everything a developer needs to get going.

Let us explore essential npm basics and how using npm commands architects and navigates developers to build sophisticated packages:

npm init

Modules designed and developed without structure are hard to manage and maintain. Every application needs a source of truth containing mandatory project information for reference. The npm package parses the package.json file that’s composed of necessary project metadata and configuration. For Node.js projects, the package.json file is the source of truth that gets created during the initialization of the project.

#Initialize the project
npm init

#Initialize the project with default values
npm init -y

npm search and info

Searching for relevant packages and knowing about package information before installing is crucial to understanding what the package offers through the metadata. npm search and info commands help retrieve identical package metadata using package names and module descriptions in detail.

npm install

Dependencies are the puzzle blocks responsible for shaping the final version of the project. A common pattern in Node.js applications is that they are interconnected with other publicly available promising modules in the npm registry. Most developers generally avoid the reinvention of the wheel by installing and importing public modules.

This decision introduces performant features that are tested and secure in the applications, resulting in better project structure and debugging. The command npm install will download and install packages, ensuring project dependency setup in the package.json file.

#Install a package
npm install <name>

npm start and stop

Node.js runtime offers full-stack functionality with both client-side and server-side development. The need to control and explore the application behavior locally and on the server becomes vital. To orchestrate Node.js packages, npm equips developers with a configuration in the package.json file to modulate the behavior of application start and stop via scripts.

"scripts": {
  "start": "node server.js",
  "stop": "pkg stop server.js"

Placing the configuration enables npm to call the parent command by parsing the JSON and referring to the Key.

#start Node.js application
npm start

#stop Node.js application
#npm stop

Tip: npm run is a handy option to trigger custom scripts from the configuration file and npm restart is useful to restart a package when unexpected behavior is observed.


The requirement sometimes demands running one-time custom commands or using a specific version (old) of the package without installing globally to test out functionality. NPX makes it possible to run arbitrary commands from an npm package.

#run a specific version of npm package without installing it globally
npx <pkg-name>@<version>

How to initiate the first project with npm

The primary stage of the Node.js application is to initialize it with npm for dependency management. npm init transforms the general project folder into an npm module with all the npm benefits. The resulting outcome of calling npm init is the package.json file. The package.json file is essential for managing dependencies, scripts, and metadata.

The file metadata is dependent on the keyed inputs during initialization. Although the metadata can be altered, it is important to declare the key-value pairs mindfully to avoid inconsistencies or irregularities in the application.

Package.json metadata properties

Understanding the metadata properties of the module is necessary to get a better grasp of npm. Initialization of npm will ensure the generation of the package.json file and the keyed values are committed to the configuration file as metadata in the current directory. 

 "name": "npm_test",
 "version": "0.1.0",
 "description": "This is a sample npm project",
 "main": "index.js",
 "scripts": {
   "test": "exec"
 "repository": {
   "type": "git",
   "url": "git+"
 "keywords": [
 "author": "",
 "license": "MIT",
 "bugs": {
   "url": ""
 "homepage": ""

The example metadata is self-explanatory, having the project name, version, and description. The main callable js file to execute the Node.js application with the scripts that start, stop, test, and perform other administrative actions are added to scripts and main properties. The GitHub repository reference to maintain version control and log bugs are added in the repository and bugs section. The creator and usage restrictions are added via author and license properties.

Package.json dependencies management

All the packages installed in the application are listed under the dependency section of the package.json file. The npm manages the dependencies behind the scenes by default.

"dependencies": {
 "react": "^18.2.0"

Every npm install will add a new entry to the dependency dictionary. Adding — save-dev or -D to the npm install command ensures the packages are utilized only during development.

Installing packages

Modern web apps are dependent on various modules to operate optimally. This requirement makes the command npm install one of the most used among others. npm packages can be installed variously depending on the weightage of a respective module in local and remote execution.

Let us witness the different ways to install packages. We will try to work with the express module. A mature module to handle routes and manage servers.

Installing packages locally

The recommended approach is to use local package installation whenever possible to keep the modules isolated and avoid unexpected behaviors in other projects in your system directory. The npm install will install packages locally in a sub-directory named node_modules specific to the current project’s directory.

#install express module
npm install express

#using syntactic shortcut
npm i express

Installing global packages

Popular modules like the express module that is useful in most applications make it a repetitive task to install packages in every project. The optimal solution is to ensure the package is installed globally and available system-wide, eliminating developer dependency.

#install express module globally
npm install -g express

Tip: Packages installed globally may lead to conflicts across projects. Ensure identical version usage is carried out in all the projects.

Installing a specific package version

The npm registry is indexed to enable the installation of the major version when the package name is called. Most current package versions are unstable, posing security problems and breaking existing functionality. Installing all the dependencies by dynamically passing the version is recommended.

#install 4.18.1 version of express
npm install express@4.18.1

Installing from package.json

Dependency resolution is an approach that can be leveraged to predefine and install the modules and their versions if the necessary information is determined beforehand. When the list of critical dependencies is listed in package.json, the command npm install will set up the packages we want to install.

List of installed packages

Extracting the list of packages is necessary to understand the dependency hierarchy for debugging dependency conflicts, package version issues, and logging. Outdated packages can be pinpointed directly from npm CLI or by extracting the list to an output file.

#list npm packages
npm list

#list a specific package information
npm list <pkg-name>

#export the list to an output file
npm list --json

Updating packages

The major versions of the module that are both stable and compatible will be released periodically. To implement and experiment with new features, the module needs to be updated. The npm update command will update the package and place the reference code locally.

#update npm package
npm update <pkg-name>

Uninstalling packages

The size and dependency hierarchy of the module play a vital part in optimization and I/O. By default, npm takes care of removing unused packages through a process called pruning. But to maintain a compact and performant module, uninstalling packages from the dependency hierarchy is crucial.

#uninstall a package
npm uninstall <package name>

npm performs an extra step post uninstallation by parsing all dependencies to verify if it is no longer used or dependent on the uninstalled package. If yes, the unused package will be removed as well.


Node.js being a platform and OS agnostic, module installation guarantees are a priority to ensure the applications run consistently with reproducible dependency trees, irrespective of the underlying abstraction.

Package-lock.json ensures module version and hierarchy lock to attain deterministic builds, security, and resolution.

Semantic versioning

Promising packages bring new features and fix issues in an order. The domain-specific capabilities and restructuring of the overall package happen on the major version (X.0.0). Small and new features are introduced into root packages through minor versions (X.Y.0), and the bugs are fixed and released over patch versions (X.Y.Z). X, Y, and Z are the version pointers.

Semantic versioning is a scheme that ensures the usage of reliable and compatible changes in the application. To allow minor level changes, Caret (^) range is used — “¹.4.1”. Through Tilde (~) range — “~1.4.1” patch-level fixes are allowed, and with no range symbol, a major version will be allowed to be used.


Security management and vulnerability remediation is a key aspect of web applications. Node.js applications handle sensitive/PII information and serve it post-communication with the server. Bulletproofing the security posture is a mandate. npm audit is a brilliant offering to scrape through the project’s dependencies and flag security issues and their severity.

#Command to conduct security audit
npm audit

The npm audit is a valuable command for locating and mitigating security vulnerabilities with robust monitoring capabilities.


A factor that contributes to degraded application performance is Network IO. Leveraging capabilities to eliminate repetitive and expensive operations can boost response time and functionality. The npm cache clean helps maintain a cached copy of the module for reuse.

#add npm package cache
npm cache add <pkg-name>

Tip: Using npm install generally ensures a cached version is available in the default location of local packages.

Using npm packages

Using npm packages is straightforward through mature and definitive documentation available for public reference. Hands-on and how-to solutions are at the developer’s disposal for rapid lift and shift implementations.

Getting help

The npm is a vast domain with a thriving community. There are many means to seek help and assistance from the mature offering. npm help command is the first choice to dive into the internal workings of the npm installed packages, what they offer, and how they operate.

The npm communities and official documentation are available to find the most common problems and solutions (sometimes), and Stackoverflow can be a reliable source to seek help from npm experts and practitioners.

Tip: You can always open an issue on the npm GitHub repository and seek help from the maintainers or report bugs.


The tides of web development are shifting with the rise of the modern tech stack. Technological advancements are putting enterprises in a tough spot to innovate. One-size-fits-all solutions are hard to come by, but Node.js emerged as a game changer, enhancing performance and overcoming security challenges.

Python Import: Mastering the Advanced Features Wed, 08 Nov 2023 22:23:28 +0000 In the ever-evolving landscape of Python programming, the ‘import’ statement stands as a foundational pillar, enabling developers to harness the full power of the language’s extensive libraries and modules. While beginners often start with simple imports to access basic functionality, delving deeper into Python’s import system unveils a world of advanced features that can significantly enhance code organization, reusability, and maintainability.

In this exploration of “Python Import: Mastering the Advanced Features,” we will embark on a journey beyond the basics, diving into techniques such as relative imports, aliasing, and the intricacies of package structure. By the end of this journey, you’ll not only be well-versed in the nuances of Python’s import capabilities but also equipped with the skills to build modular and extensible code that can withstand the complexities of real-world software development.

Basic Python import

In the realm of Python programming, the ‘import’ statement serves as the gateway to a vast ecosystem of pre-written code that can save developers both time and effort. At its core, importing allows you to access and utilize functions, classes, and variables defined in external files, known as modules. Modules are the fundamental building blocks of Python’s import system, and understanding them is the first step towards mastering advanced import features.


In Python, a module is essentially a file containing Python statements and definitions. These files can include functions, classes, and variables that you can reuse in your own code. When you import a module, you gain access to its contents, making it easier to organize and manage your codebase. Python’s standard library is a treasure trove of modules that cover a wide range of functionalities, from handling data structures to working with dates and times. Understanding how to import and utilize these modules effectively is a crucial skill for any Python developer.

# Example of importing a module from the standard library
import math
# Using a function from the math module
result = math.sqrt(25)
print(result)  # Output: 5.0


As your Python projects grow in complexity, you’ll often find yourself working with more than just individual modules. Enter packages. Packages are a way to organize related modules into a directory hierarchy, making it easier to manage large codebases. By mastering packages, you can structure your projects in a modular and organized manner, improving code readability and maintainability.

# Example of importing a module from a package
from mypackage import mymodule

# Using a function from the imported module
result = mymodule.my_function()

Absolute and relative imports

Python offers two primary ways to import modules and packages: absolute and relative imports. Absolute imports specify the complete path to the module or package you want to use, while relative imports reference modules and packages relative to the current module. Understanding when to use each type of import is crucial for writing clean and maintainable code.

# Absolute import
from mypackage import mymodule

# Relative import
from . import mymodule

Python’s import path (standard library, local modules, third party libraries)

To import modules successfully, Python relies on a search path that includes directories for the standard library, local modules, and third-party libraries. Learning how Python manages this import path is essential for resolving import errors and ensuring your code can access the required modules. Whether you’re working with built-in modules, your own project-specific modules, or external libraries, understanding Python’s import path is a key aspect of mastering advanced import features.

# Checking the sys.path to see the import search path
import sys

Third-party libraries are a valuable part of the Python ecosystem, allowing developers to quickly and easily add new features and functionality to their applications. However, third-party libraries can also introduce security vulnerabilities into a project.

Structuring your imports

Code organization is a vital aspect of software development, and structuring your imports can greatly impact the readability and maintainability of your code. Establishing a clear and consistent import style not only makes your code more accessible to other developers but also helps you navigate your own projects more efficiently. We’ll explore best practices for structuring your imports to ensure your codebase remains clean and comprehensible.

# Organizing imports according to PEP 8 style guide
import os
import sys

# Importing standard library modules
import math
import datetime

# Importing third-party libraries
import requests
import pandas as pd

# Importing local modules
from mypackage import mymodule

Namespace packages

Namespace packages are a lesser-known but valuable feature of Python’s import system. They allow you to create virtual packages that span multiple directories, providing a flexible way to organize and distribute your code. Mastering namespace packages can be especially beneficial when working on large and collaborative projects.

# Namespace package example
# mypackage/
__path__ = __import__('pkgutil').extend_path(__path__, __name__)

# Now you can have modules in different directories under 'mypackage'
from mypackage.subpackage import module1
from mypackage.anotherpackage import module2

Imports style guide

To maintain a high level of code quality and consistency across projects, adhering to an imports style guide is essential. We’ll delve into recommended conventions and best practices for naming, organizing, and documenting your imports. By following a style guide, you can ensure that your code remains clean, readable, and accessible to other developers.

# Imports should be grouped and separated by a blank line
import os
import sys

import math
import datetime

import requests
import pandas as pd

from mypackage import mymodule

In the world of Python import statements, these advanced features are the keys to unlocking greater code organization, reusability, and maintainability. As we delve deeper into each topic with code examples, you’ll gain a comprehensive understanding of how to harness the full potential of Python’s import system and elevate your programming skills to the next level.

Resource imports

As Python applications continue to expand in complexity and diversity, the need to manage and incorporate external resources becomes increasingly important. Whether you’re dealing with data files, images, or other non-Python assets, mastering resource imports is an essential skill for any developer. This section explores advanced import features related to resources, including the introduction of importlib.resources and practical applications like using data files and adding icons to Tkinter graphical user interfaces (GUIs).

Introducing importlib.resources

Python 3.7 introduced the importlib.resources module, which provides a streamlined and Pythonic way to access resources bundled within packages or directories. This module offers a unified API to access resources regardless of whether they are packaged within a Python module or exist as standalone files on the file system.

# Example of using importlib.resources to access a resource in a package
import importlib.resources as resources
from mypackage import data

# Access a resource file 'sample.txt' in the 'data' package
with resources.open_text(data, 'sample.txt') as file:
    content =

Using data files

Data files are a common type of resource in software development. Whether it’s configuration files, CSV data, or text files, you often need to read and manipulate these files within your Python applications. By mastering resource imports, you can efficiently access and utilize data files, enhancing the functionality of your programs.

# Reading data from a text file using resource import
import importlib.resources as resources
from mypackage import data

# Access and read a data file 'config.ini'
with resources.open_text(data, 'config.ini') as file:
    for line in file:

Adding icons to Tkinter GUIs

Graphical user interfaces (GUIs) are a cornerstone of modern software development, and incorporating icons into your Tkinter-based applications can significantly enhance their visual appeal. Resource imports come into play when you want to bundle icons or image files with your application and access them seamlessly. Here’s how you can use resource imports to add icons to your Tkinter GUIs.

# Adding an icon to a Tkinter window using resource import
import tkinter as tk
import importlib.resources as resources
from mypackage import icons

root = tk.Tk()
root.title("My GUI")

# Load and set the application icon
icon_path = resources.resource_filename(icons, 'my_icon.ico')

# Create and configure GUI components here


Mastering resource imports, as demonstrated through importlib.resources, empowers you to efficiently manage and incorporate non-Python resources into your Python projects. Whether you need to access data files, images, or icons for GUIs, these advanced import features provide a consistent and reliable way to enrich your applications with external assets, enhancing both their functionality and aesthetics.

Dynamic imports

In the world of Python, sometimes you encounter situations where you don’t know the exact modules or packages you need until runtime. Dynamic imports, enabled by the importlib module, provide a powerful way to load and utilize modules dynamically based on program logic. This section dives deep into dynamic imports using importlib, showcasing how this advanced feature can make your Python applications more flexible and adaptable.

Using importlib

The importlib module, introduced in Python 3.1, offers a programmatic way to work with imports. It allows you to load modules, packages, and even submodules dynamically, giving your code the ability to make decisions about which code to use at runtime. Here’s an overview of how to use importlib for dynamic imports:

import importlib

# Dynamic import of a module
module_name = "mymodule"
module = importlib.import_module(module_name)

# Access functions or classes from the dynamically imported module
result = module.my_function()

Dynamic imports are particularly useful in scenarios where you have multiple implementations of a feature, and you want to choose one at runtime based on conditions like user input, configuration settings, or the environment.

import importlib

# Determine which module to import based on user input
user_choice = input("Enter 'A' or 'B': ")

if user_choice == 'A':
    module_name = "module_A"
elif user_choice == 'B':
    module_name = "module_B"
    print("Invalid choice")

    module = importlib.import_module(module_name)
    result = module.perform_action()
except ImportError:
    print(f"Module {module_name} not found.")

By embracing dynamic imports through importlib, your Python applications can become more adaptable and versatile, capable of loading and using modules, while making your codebase more resilient to changes and customizable according to runtime conditions.

The Python import system

The Python import system is a fundamental aspect of the language that enables developers to access and incorporate external code into their programs. While many are familiar with the basic mechanics of importing modules, mastering the advanced features of the import system opens up a world of possibilities.

In this section, we explore the intricacies of the Python import system, including techniques like importing internals, using singletons as modules, reloading modules, understanding finders and loaders, and even automating the installation of packages from PyPI. Additionally, we delve into the less conventional but equally powerful concept of importing data files, which can be a game-changer for many applications.

Importing internals

Python allows you to import not only external modules but also internal parts of a package or module. This feature can be incredibly useful when you want to organize your codebase into submodules and selectively expose certain components to the outside world. By mastering this technique, you can achieve a fine-grained control over what parts of your code are accessible to other developers.

# Importing an internal submodule
from mypackage.internal_module import my_function

Singletons as modules

In Python, modules are singletons by design, meaning that they are loaded only once per interpreter session. This property makes modules suitable for storing and sharing data across different parts of an application. By mastering the concept of singletons as modules, you can create global variables or shared resources that remain consistent throughout your program’s execution.

# Creating a singleton module for configuration settings
database_url = "mysql://user:password@localhost/mydb"

import config
print(config.database_url)  # Access the configuration settings

Reloading modules

Python’s import system allows you to reload modules dynamically during runtime. This capability is especially valuable during development when you want to test and iterate on code changes without restarting your entire program. By mastering module reloading, you can streamline your development workflow and reduce the need for frequent application restarts.

# Reloading a module
import mymodule
# ... make changes to mymodule ...
importlib.reload(mymodule)  # Reload the module to apply changes

Finders and loaders

Behind the scenes, Python employs a sophisticated mechanism of finders and loaders to locate and load modules. Understanding these components of the import system can provide insights into how Python locates and uses modules. While you may not need to interact with finders and loaders directly in most cases, having a grasp of these concepts is valuable for troubleshooting import-related issues.

Automatically installing from PyPI

The Python Package Index (PyPI) is a vast repository of third-party packages that can enhance the functionality of your Python applications. Mastering the ability to automatically install packages from PyPI within your code can simplify the setup process for your projects and ensure that all required dependencies are available.

# Automatically installing a package from PyPI using pip
import subprocess

package_name = "requests"
subprocess.check_call(["pip", "install", package_name])
import requests

Importing data files

Beyond code, Python’s import system can be extended to handle data files. This advanced feature allows you to bundle and access non-code resources like text files, configuration files, and more within your Python projects. By mastering the art of importing data files, you can create self-contained and versatile applications that can seamlessly incorporate external data.

# Importing data from a text file
import importlib.resources as resources
from mypackage import data

with resources.open_text(data, 'config.ini') as file:
    config_data =

In the world of Python import statements, mastering these advanced features of the import system can take your programming skills to the next level. From controlling internal imports to managing data files and automating package installations, these techniques empower you to create more efficient, organized, and powerful Python applications.

Python import tips and tricks

In the journey to master the advanced features of Python imports, it’s essential to equip yourself with a toolkit of tips and tricks to navigate real-world scenarios effectively. This section delves into a range of strategies and solutions that can help you handle package compatibility across Python versions, address missing packages using alternatives or mocks, import scripts as modules, run Python scripts from ZIP files, manage cyclical imports, profile imports for performance optimization, and tackle common real-world import challenges with practical solutions.

  • Handling Packages Across Python Versions: Python’s continuous development results in version discrepancies between packages. To maintain compatibility across various Python versions, consider using tools like ‘six’ or writing platform-specific code that dynamically adapts to the Python version being used.
  • Handling Missing Packages Using an Alternative: Occasionally, a required package may not be available or suitable for your project. In such cases, you can explore alternative packages or libraries that offer similar functionality. Properly handling missing packages ensures your project remains functional and adaptable.
  • Handling Missing Packages Using a Mock: During development or testing, you may encounter situations where a package isn’t readily available. Mocking the missing package’s functionality can help you continue working on your code without disruptions. Libraries like ‘unittest.mock’ are invaluable for creating mock objects.
  • Importing Scripts as Modules: In some cases, you might want to reuse code from Python scripts as if they were modules. You can achieve this by encapsulating the script’s functionality into functions or classes and then importing those functions or classes into other Python files.
  • Running Python Scripts from ZIP Files: When working on distribution or deployment, you may need to bundle multiple Python scripts into a ZIP archive for easier distribution. Python’s ‘zipimport’ module allows you to import and run code directly from ZIP files, simplifying the distribution and execution process.
  • Handling Cyclical Imports: Cyclical imports, where modules depend on each other in a loop, can lead to confusion and errors. To address this, refactor your code to eliminate cyclical dependencies or use techniques like importing modules locally within functions to break the circular references.
  • Profile Imports: For performance optimization, profiling your imports can provide insights into bottlenecks in your code. Tools like ‘cProfile’ can help you identify which modules are taking the most time to import and address potential performance issues.

By mastering these tips and tricks for Python imports, you can tackle a wide range of import-related challenges that arise in your development journey. These strategies not only enhance code reliability and maintainability but also empower you to adapt to changing requirements and evolving Python ecosystems effectively.


Mastering the advanced features of Python imports is akin to unlocking the hidden potential of this versatile programming language. The journey through Python imports has revealed the rich tapestry of possibilities that await developers who seek to harness the full power of this language feature. Whether you’re building applications, managing dependencies, or optimizing for performance, a deep understanding of advanced import techniques empowers you to write more efficient, organized, and adaptable code.

As you continue your Python programming journey, remember that mastering imports is not just about writing code—it’s about crafting resilient solutions to real-world challenges. By applying the tips and tricks explored in this guide and staying curious in your pursuit of knowledge, you’ll be well-equipped to face the complexities of modern software development with confidence and creativity.

Preventing SQL Injections With Python Thu, 22 Dec 2022 13:54:56 +0000 For Python developers, it is essential to protect your project from potential SQL injection attacks. SQL injection attacks happen when malicious SQL code is embedded into your application, allowing the attacker to indirectly access or modify data in the database. As you’re probably already aware, such an attack can have disastrous consequences, like data theft and loss of integrity, which is why preventing SQL injection attacks is critical for any web application. 

In this blog post, we will see how you can protect your applications from SQL injection attacks when working with Python. We will also discuss some common techniques that attackers use to exploit SQL injection vulnerabilities, and give you some important tips to prevent such attacks.

Learn More:

Understanding SQL injections in Python

An SQL injection is a type of security exploit in which malicious code is inserted into strings that are later passed to an instance of SQL Server for parsing and execution. This malicious code can be used to manipulate the behavior of the database and potentially gain access to sensitive information. 

SQL injections exploit vulnerabilities in the way applications interact with databases. An attacker can insert a command into a web app’s user input, which is then passed to the underlying database for execution. This allows the attacker to bypass authentication mechanisms and gain access to sensitive data or modify its contents. 

For example, an attacker could enter a malicious command that would execute a delete query from a database. The command gets sent to the database for execution, potentially granting the attacker access to data or simply allowing them to delete data from the database. 

Most commonly, hackers will insert malicious SQL commands into user-supplied input fields, such as search boxes and login forms, . An attacker might also use a tool to dynamically generate malicious code and send it to the database.

Luckily, Python provides several methods for preventing SQL injection attacks. 

Related: How to Manage Python Dependencies

Good practices to prevent SQL injections

There are a few common mistakes developers make that increase the risk of SQL injections, including poor coding practices, lack of input validation, or insecure database configuration. However, with good Python coding practices, developers can drastically reduce this risk. 

To prevent SQL injections from occurring in your application, apply these good habits:

  • Always use parameterized queries when interacting with a database. This ensures that user input is never directly passed to the database, which reduces the risk of an injection attack.
  • Implement input validation on all user-provided data. This helps to prevent malicious commands from even being executed in the application. By validating the user input, you can quickly detect any suspicious activity and stop it before it even gets to the server, let alone the database. You can do this with the help of try-catch blocks (or try-except ones in Python).
  • Ensure that the database is properly configured by implementing the right access restrictions and authentication mechanisms. This includes limiting the access of users with specific permissions and implementing reliable authentication processes.
  • Regularly update your code and any third-party packages you’re using. By regularly patching up your code and checking for vulnerabilities, you ensure that any gateway for an attacker is closed. Since SQL injections are so common, they are frequently patched in most softwares whenever a new version appears, so staying up to date is essential. 
  • Use an intrusion detection system. Although it’s often overlooked, using an intrusion detection system to monitor any suspicious activity or attempts of injection attacks is highly beneficial. These can help identify any malicious activity that could indicate  an attack in progress. 
  • Perform regular security audits of your app’s code and database configuration. This enables you to identify any potential vulnerabilities that could be exploited in an attack.

Learn More: Most Secure Programming Languages 

Final thoughts

SQL injection is a serious threat to web applications and can have devastating consequences if left unchecked. Preventing SQL injections while working with Python is not that difficult, as long as you stay up-to-date with the latest coding practices and follow the tips we mentioned above. Making sure that your app is secure is not only important for  users, but it also helps maintain the company’s good reputation.

Asynchronous Programming in Python – Understanding The Essentials Thu, 22 Dec 2022 13:25:03 +0000 Asynchronous programming in Python is the process of writing concurrent code that runs asynchronously – i.e. doesn’t take place in real-time. It allows an app instance to execute multiple tasks at the same time, or in parallel. This helps speed up the required processing time because tasks can run simultaneously.

Asynchronous programming can be leveraged in Python to make applications more resilient, flexible, and efficient. Tasks performed asynchronously often  maintain responsiveness in programs and prevent blocking the main thread. This accelerates response time when dealing with multiple tasks at once. 

Let’s dive deeper into what asynchronous programming is, when to perform it, and how to implement it.

What is asynchronous programming?

Asynchronous programming refers to a form of multitasking that allows for faster execution of programs and tasks by dividing a single task into smaller chunks of code. This approach makes it easier for a program to process multiple requests at once, allowing the user to make more efficient use of their time and resources. It allows developers to create complex software applications with minimal effort.

In Python, asynchronous programming is based on the event-driven programming model. This involves using ‘callbacks’, or functions that are triggered as soon as an event occurs. These functions can be used to perform a wide variety of tasks, like making an HTTP request, sending a notification, or even executing some long-running code without blocking the main thread. 

Usually, asynchronous code in Python is directly related to an event loop that needs to be triggered. This loop runs continuously and checks for any new events that need to be processed. Once an event is detected and the loop is triggered, the async code will call the appropriate callback function. 

It’s worth mentioning that there’s a solid number of reliable Python packages like AsyncIO and Twisted, which make it much easier to write asynchronous code. These libraries provide a range of tools that enable developers to create efficient and scalable applications. 

Related: How to Manage Python Dependencies

When do I need asynchronous execution?

Asynchronous programming is primarily used for applications that require a high degree of concurrency. In most cases, this includes web applications that need to handle thousands of requests simultaneously, or even some applications that require the execution of long-running tasks. Since asynchronous programming can allow for the creation of more responsive and event-driven apps, it can significantly improve user experience.

Python is an ideal language for developing applications with asynchronous execution. Asynchronous programming allows developers to take advantage of Python’s high-level syntax and object-oriented style. This makes it easier to write code that is more efficient, faster, and easier to maintain. Some use cases that work very well with asynchronous execution include:

  • Web-based applications that need to handle many requests simultaneously.
  • Smooth user experience for real-time applications such as online gaming or video streaming.
  • Data processing applications that need to execute long-running tasks in the background.
  • Distributed systems and microservices architectures.

To get the most out of asynchronous programming in Python, it is important to understand how the event loop works and how to use callbacks. It is also beneficial to understand tools such as AsyncIO and Twisted that can make writing asynchronous code much easier.

Learn More: Most Secure Programming Languages 

Implementing async code in Python

Python includes several modules that simplify the process of writing and managing asynchronous code. Thesy provide powerful features such as error handling, cancellation and timeouts, and thread pools. 

The AsyncIO module is the most popular Python library for implementing asynchronous code. It provides a range of tools that make it easier to write and maintain asynchronous code. This includes features such as the event loop, coroutines, futures, and more.

Just like AsyncIO, Twisted library is another popular Python library for asynchronous code. It provides a range of features such as an event-driven networking engine, threading,  process management, and more. However, unlike AsyncIO, Twisted is more server- and network-oriented.

To get started, junior developers should familiarize themselves with the basics of asynchronous programming and then explore the various tools available in Python. With practice, developers can write code that is more efficient and easier to maintain. 

Final thoughts

Asynchronous programming can be an incredibly valuable tool for both new and experienced Python developers. It can make applications more responsive, and improve their user experience. By understanding the basics of asynchronous programming, developers can take advantage of powerful features such as the event loop, coroutines, futures, and more. With practice, developers that master it can create applications that are responsive, efficient, and scalable. 

Improving Your Zero-Day Readiness in JavaScript Tue, 15 Nov 2022 22:47:05 +0000 Data breaches are a massive issue. Beyond reputational damage and user data loss, financial costs must also be considered. With the need for extra staff, legal counsel, and even credit-monitoring services for those involved, the Ponemon Institute estimated the global average cost of a data breach in 2020 was $3.86 million. Given that, it’s clear investing in zero-day readiness should be top of mind for security engineers and developers alike.

What does “zero-day” mean?

“Zero-day” is a broad term that refers to an unpatched security flaw unknown to the public. It can also be a recently discovered vulnerability in the application. In either case, the developer has “zero days” to address and to fix it before it can be potentially exploited. Attackers make use of such flaws to intrude and to attack the system. Most times, these flaws are spotted by bounty hunters and are promptly patched. However, sometimes the attackers get there first and exploit the flaw before it is fixed.

In the context of web application security, a zero-day vulnerability is often used in cross-site scripting (XSS) and other types of attacks. Attackers take advantage of these vulnerabilities to inject malicious code into webpages viewed by other users. The code then runs on the user’s browser and can perform various actions, such as stealing sensitive information or redirecting the user to a malicious website (often owned by the attacker).

One of the most notable zero-day attacks was the 2014 attack on Sony Pictures Entertainment.  Sony was the victim of a devastating cyber attack that led to the release of sensitive information, including employee data and financial records. The attackers used a zero-day vulnerability in the company’s network to gain access to its systems, which allowed them to steal large amounts of data. The Sony Pictures hack was a major wake-up call for many organizations, as it showed just how vulnerable they could be to cyber attacks, and how costly the reputational and financial damages were.

To better illustrate zero-day problems, let’s examine some zero day terminology and demonstrate with the circumstance of an SQL injection. This is a type of attack where the culprit uses SQL commands to steal or to manipulate data in SQL databases.

Zero-day vulnerability

A zero-day vulnerability is a security flaw in the software, such as the operating system, application, or browser. The vendor, software developer, or antivirus manufacturer has not yet discovered or patched this software vulnerability. Although the flaw might not be widely known, it could already be known to attackers, who are exploiting it covertly.

In the case of SQL injection, the vulnerability would be the lack of input sanitization. In this instance, the developer has skipped the step of validating the input data and verifying whether it can be stored or if it contains harmful data.

Zero-day exploit

If security is compromised at any stage, attackers can design and implement code to exploit that zero-day vulnerability. The code these attackers use to gain access to the compromised system is referred to as a zero-day exploit.

Attackers can inject malware to a computer or other device, using the exploit code to gain access to the system and bypass the software’s security by leveraging the zero-day vulnerability. Think of it like a burglar entering a home through a damaged or unlocked window.

In terms of SQL injection, the zero-day exploit is the code or manipulated input data the attackers use to infiltrate the vulnerable system.

Zero-day attack

A zero-day attack is when a zero-day exploit is actively used to disrupt or steal data from the vulnerable system. Such attacks are likely to succeed because there are often no patches readily available. This is a severe security drawback.

In SQL injection, the zero-day attack occurs when the exploit code is injected at avulnerable point in the software(where no input validation was done).

3 best practices for zero-day readiness

1. Always sanitize input data

Input validation is perhaps the most cost-effective way of improving application security. For any vulnerability to be exploitable, the attacker must first be able to bypass certain checks or validation. The absence of input sanitization is like leaving a door unlocked for the attacker to walk right through.

A solid regular expression (regex) can be designed to cover all the edge cases while validating an input.

For instance, if an input accepts a valid American mobile number, the validation can be performed as follows:

const number = /^(0|1|+1)?\s?\d{10}$/


The above regex considers all the corner cases and also makes it easier to write all the cases as a single expression.

This validation should not be done only on the client side. As a layer of added security, validation needs to be performed on the back end as well. Since the validation on the client side can be manipulated, always recheck for the validation on the server side before performing operations on it.

2. Intercept object behavior

If the attacker manages to bypass the validation, there needs to be some code that can still validate and handle data by default. This can be done using proxy objects.

Proxies are objects in JavaScript that intercept the behavior of other objects. This can be used either to extend or to limit a property’s usability.

To get a clearer insight, consider the code snippet below:

class Vehicle{
this.wheels = wheels
this.seats = seats

class Car extends Vehicle{
this.wheels = wheels
this.seats = seats
this.power = power
this.#secret_number = Math.random()*Math.random()
//Assume the secret number to be 0.052


const self = this
const proxy = new Proxy(this,{
return self.#secret_number*500
                        //returns 26
else {
return target[prop]
    return proxy['secret_number']

const car_1 = new Car(4,5,450)

In the above snippet, the class “car” inherits from class “vehicle.”

The class “car” contains a method “getSecretNumber,” which is generated when an instance of the class is created. To avoid direct access, declare it a private field, and from the getter method, intercept the behavior (or value) using proxies.

In the example above, there is no need to use a proxy. However, what if there were a single getter function to return the desired value by passing an argument? In such cases, proxies would be of great benefit by masking or intercepting only the selected properties.

3. Maintain recent dependencies

Using external libraries in any JavaScript-based project is quite common because redeveloping an already created utility is a waste of time, energy, and resources. Additionally, many open source libraries have continuous support and user-contributed updates. While such dependencies provide numerous advantages, most developers find it quite painful to keep track of and to update them. 

Security is one of the main reasons to be vigilant about dependency updates; automating the application of security patches can fix over 90% of new vulnerabilities before any issue is publicly disclosed. 

Because many developers find tracking and updating dependencies so difficult, they automate the task using a tool like Mend Renovate. It is an open-source tool for developers that automatically creates pull requests (PRs) for dependency updates.

Renovate first scans the entire repository and detects all the dependencies used. It then proceeds to check if there are any updates available on those dependencies. If so, it raises a pull request containing relevant information, such as release notes, adoption data, crowdsourced test status, and commit histories. Insights into such data further help in deciding if an update needs to be merged or not.

Automating dependency updates could save up to 20% of your development time.

To get started, do the following: 

  • Navigate to GitHub marketplace (linked above), and install the Renovate app.
  • Select all the repositories you would like Renovate to scan.
  • Before it starts scanning for updates, an onboarding PR is raised. This contains a preview of the actions Renovate will take. Merge it.
  • Leave the rest to Renovate.

Updating dependencies with Renovate minimizes the risk of breaking code during an update because the merge confidence is crowdsourced. This can be used to evaluate whether an update can be safely merged or if it contains potential risk.

In the case of zero-day vulnerability, rather than dealing with accumulated tech debt and deciding whether to jump a few major releases, you’ll only need to apply a security patch by updating to the next invulnerable version.

Updating dependencies is a crucial step in preventing security issues, and apps like Renovate can simplify the process and save developers time.


For any application, protecting its users’ data and other confidential information is of prime importance. While no system is 100 percent foolproof, vendors and software developers must always seek to find and to fix vulnerabilities before they’re exploited.

At the very least, there needs to be an incident response plan ready to minimize the impact if an attack does occur.

As the saying goes, however, an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. For the best results, make sure you have implemented enough preventative measures to minimize the chance of exploitation in the first place.
